path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 262 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/src/atom.rs b/src/atom.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index a3d7e10..0000000
--- a/src/atom.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-use std::{
- path::PathBuf,
- fs::{ self, File }
-use sqlx::prelude::*;
-use atom_syndication::*;
-use anyhow::{ Result, Context };
-use futures::{ Stream, StreamExt };
-use chrono::{ Utc, TimeZone };
-use url::Url;
-use tracing::info;
-use crate::{ Conn, query::{ self, repo_id } };
-struct Issue {
- number: i64,
- state: i64,
- title: String,
- body: String,
- user_login: String,
- html_url: String,
- updated_at: i64
-// Naive implementation of https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#syntax
-fn entity_escape(from: &str) -> String {
- let mut escaped = String::with_capacity(from.len());
- for c in from.chars() {
- match c {
- '&' => escaped.push_str("&"),
- '<' => escaped.push_str("&lt;"),
- '>' => escaped.push_str("&gt;"),
- '\'' => escaped.push_str("&apos;"),
- '"' => escaped.push_str("&quot;"),
- any => escaped.push(any)
- }
- }
- escaped
-async fn query_issues_for_label<'conn>(conn: &'conn mut Conn,
- repo_id: i64, label: &str, state_mask: i64) -> impl Stream<Item=sqlx::Result<Issue>> + 'conn {
- sqlx::query_as::<_, Issue>(r#"
- SELECT issues.number, state, title, body, user_login, html_url, updated_at FROM issues
- INNER JOIN is_labeled ON is_labeled.issue=issues.number
- WHERE is_labeled.label=(SELECT id FROM labels WHERE repo=? AND name=?)
- AND issues.state & ? != 0
- ORDER BY issues.number DESC
- "#).bind(repo_id).bind(label)
- .bind(state_mask)
- .fetch(conn)
-async fn issue_to_entry(conn: &mut Conn, repo_id: i64, issue: Issue) -> Result<Entry> {
- let state_label = query::issues::IssueState::from_integer(issue.state)
- .expect("Inconsistent database, invalid issue state").to_string();
- let labels_of_issue = sqlx::query_as::<_, (String,)>(
- "SELECT labels.name FROM is_labeled
- JOIN labels ON is_labeled.label=labels.id
- JOIN issues ON (is_labeled.issue=issues.number AND is_labeled.repo=issues.repo)
- WHERE is_labeled.repo=? AND is_labeled.issue=?"
- ).bind(repo_id).bind(issue.number)
- .fetch(&mut *conn);
- let all_labels = futures::stream::iter(state_label)
- .chain(labels_of_issue
- .filter_map(|row| async { row.ok() })
- .map(|(name,)| name))
- .map(|name| Category {
- term: name,
- scheme: None,
- label: None
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .await;
- Ok(EntryBuilder::default()
- .title(entity_escape(&issue.title))
- .id(entity_escape(&issue.html_url))
- .updated(Utc.timestamp(issue.updated_at, 0))
- .authors(vec![
- Person {
- uri: Some(format!("https://github.com/{}", issue.user_login)),
- name: issue.user_login,
- email: None
- }
- ])
- .categories(all_labels)
- .links(vec![LinkBuilder::default()
- .href(issue.html_url)
- .build()
- .expect("Failed to build link")])
- .content(ContentBuilder::default()
- .content_type(Some(String::from("html")))
- .value(entity_escape(&issue.body))
- .build()
- .expect("Failed to build content"))
- .build()
- .map_err(|err_str| anyhow::anyhow!(err_str))
- .context("Failed to build atom entry")?)
-pub async fn generate(mut conn: &mut Conn, (ref owner, ref name): (String, String),
- out_path: PathBuf, labels: Vec<String>,
- only_open: bool) -> Result<()> {
- let labels = if labels.is_empty() {
- sqlx::query_as::<_, (String,)>(
- "SELECT name FROM labels WHERE repo=(SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE owner=? AND name=?)"
- ).bind(owner).bind(name)
- .fetch(&mut *conn)
- .filter_map(|row| async { match row {
- Ok((label,)) => Some(label),
- _ => None
- } })
- .collect()
- .await
- } else { labels };
- let repo_id = repo_id(&mut conn, owner, name).await?;
- let mut state_mask = !0;
- if only_open { state_mask &= !query::issues::IssueState::CLOSED.to_integer(); }
- for label in labels {
- info!("atom for {:?}", label);
- let label_url = {
- let mut url = Url::parse("https://github.com")?;
- url.path_segments_mut()
- .unwrap()
- .push(owner).push(name)
- .push("labels").push(&label);
- url.into_string()
- };
- let mut feed = FeedBuilder::default();
- feed.title(entity_escape(&label));
- feed.id(&label_url);
- feed.updated(Utc::now());
- feed.links(vec![
- LinkBuilder::default()
- .href(&label_url)
- .rel("alternate")
- .build()
- .map_err(anyhow::Error::msg)?
- ]);
- let issues: Vec<Issue> = query_issues_for_label(&mut conn, repo_id, &label, state_mask).await
- .filter_map(|res| async { res.ok() })
- .collect().await;
- let entries: Vec<Entry> = {
- let mut acc = Vec::new();
- for issue in issues.into_iter() {
- acc.push(issue_to_entry(&mut conn, repo_id, issue).await?);
- }
- acc
- };
- feed.entries(entries);
- let feed = feed.build().expect("Failed to build feed");
- let feed_directory = out_path.join(label);
- fs::create_dir_all(&feed_directory)?;
- let feed_path = feed_directory.join("atom.xml");
- let mut out_file = File::create(feed_path)?;
- feed.write_to(&mut out_file)?;
- }
- Ok(())
diff --git a/src/generate.rs b/src/generate.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f05f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/generate.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+use std::{
+ fs::{ self, File }
+use sqlx::prelude::*;
+use anyhow::{ Result, Context };
+use futures::{ Stream, StreamExt };
+use chrono::{ Utc, TimeZone };
+use url::Url;
+use tracing::info;
+use crate::{
+ parse_repo,
+ Conn, GenerateOpts,
+ query::{ self, repo_id }
+struct Issue {
+ number: i64,
+ state: i64,
+ title: String,
+ body: String,
+ user_login: String,
+ html_url: String,
+ updated_at: i64
+// Naive implementation of https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#syntax
+fn xml_entity_escape(from: &str) -> String {
+ let mut escaped = String::with_capacity(from.len());
+ for c in from.chars() {
+ match c {
+ '&' => escaped.push_str("&amp;"),
+ '<' => escaped.push_str("&lt;"),
+ '>' => escaped.push_str("&gt;"),
+ '\'' => escaped.push_str("&apos;"),
+ '"' => escaped.push_str("&quot;"),
+ any => escaped.push(any)
+ }
+ }
+ escaped
+fn path_escape(from: &str) -> String {
+ from.replace('/', "_")
+ .replace(char::is_whitespace, "_")
+async fn query_issues_for_label<'conn>(conn: &'conn mut Conn,
+ repo_id: i64, label: &str, state_mask: i64) -> impl Stream<Item=sqlx::Result<Issue>> + 'conn {
+ sqlx::query_as::<_, Issue>(r#"
+ SELECT issues.number, state, title, body, user_login, html_url, updated_at FROM issues
+ INNER JOIN is_labeled ON is_labeled.issue=issues.number
+ WHERE is_labeled.label=(SELECT id FROM labels WHERE repo=? AND name=?)
+ AND issues.state & ? != 0
+ ORDER BY issues.number DESC
+ "#).bind(repo_id).bind(label)
+ .bind(state_mask)
+ .fetch(conn)
+async fn issue_to_atom_entry(issue: &Issue, labels: &[String]) -> Result<atom_syndication::Entry> {
+ use atom_syndication::*;
+ let categories = labels.iter()
+ .map(|name| Category {
+ term: name.clone(),
+ scheme: None,
+ label: None
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ Ok(EntryBuilder::default()
+ .title(xml_entity_escape(&issue.title))
+ .id(xml_entity_escape(&issue.html_url))
+ .updated(Utc.timestamp(issue.updated_at, 0))
+ .authors(vec![
+ Person {
+ uri: Some(format!("https://github.com/{}", issue.user_login)),
+ name: issue.user_login.clone(),
+ email: None
+ }
+ ])
+ .categories(categories)
+ .links(vec![LinkBuilder::default()
+ .href(issue.html_url.clone())
+ .build()
+ .expect("Failed to build link")])
+ .content(ContentBuilder::default()
+ .content_type(Some(String::from("html")))
+ .value(xml_entity_escape(&issue.body))
+ .build()
+ .expect("Failed to build content"))
+ .build()
+ .map_err(anyhow::Error::msg)
+ .context("Failed to build atom entry")?)
+async fn issue_to_rss_item(issue: &Issue, labels: &[String]) -> Result<rss::Item> {
+ use rss::*;
+ let categories = labels.iter()
+ .map(|name| CategoryBuilder::default()
+ .name(name)
+ .build())
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .map_err(|err_str| anyhow::anyhow!(err_str))?;
+ Ok(ItemBuilder::default()
+ .title(xml_entity_escape(&issue.title))
+ .link(xml_entity_escape(&issue.html_url))
+ .pub_date(Utc.timestamp(issue.updated_at, 0).to_rfc2822())
+ .categories(categories)
+ .content(xml_entity_escape(&issue.body))
+ .build()
+ .map_err(anyhow::Error::msg)
+ .context("Failed to build RSS item")?)
+pub async fn run(mut conn: &mut Conn, opts: GenerateOpts) -> Result<()> {
+ use atom_syndication::{ FeedBuilder, LinkBuilder };
+ use rss::{ ChannelBuilder };
+ let (ref owner, ref name) = parse_repo(&opts.repo)?;
+ let labels = if opts.labels.is_empty() {
+ sqlx::query_as::<_, (String,)>(
+ "SELECT name FROM labels WHERE repo=(SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE owner=? AND name=?)"
+ ).bind(owner).bind(name)
+ .fetch(&mut *conn)
+ .filter_map(|row| async { match row {
+ Ok((label,)) => Some(label),
+ _ => None
+ } })
+ .collect()
+ .await
+ } else { opts.labels };
+ let repo_id = repo_id(&mut conn, owner, name).await?;
+ let mut state_mask = !0;
+ if opts.without_open { state_mask &= !query::issues::IssueState::OPEN.to_integer(); }
+ if opts.without_closed { state_mask &= !query::issues::IssueState::CLOSED.to_integer(); }
+ for label in labels {
+ let feed_directory = opts.out_path.join(path_escape(&label));
+ info!("generating {}", feed_directory.display());
+ fs::create_dir_all(&feed_directory)?;
+ let issues: Vec<Issue> = query_issues_for_label(&mut conn, repo_id, &label, state_mask).await
+ .filter_map(|res| async { res.ok() })
+ .collect().await;
+ let label_url = {
+ let mut url = Url::parse("https://github.com")?;
+ url.path_segments_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .push(owner).push(name)
+ .push("labels").push(&label);
+ url.into_string()
+ };
+ let mut atom_entries = Vec::new();
+ let mut rss_items = Vec::new();
+ for issue in issues.into_iter() {
+ let state_label = query::issues::IssueState::from_integer(issue.state)
+ .expect("Inconsistent database, invalid issue state").to_string();
+ let labels_of_issue = sqlx::query_as::<_, (String,)>(
+ "SELECT labels.name FROM is_labeled
+ JOIN labels ON is_labeled.label=labels.id
+ JOIN issues ON (is_labeled.issue=issues.number AND is_labeled.repo=issues.repo)
+ WHERE is_labeled.repo=? AND is_labeled.issue=?"
+ ).bind(repo_id).bind(issue.number)
+ .fetch(&mut *conn)
+ .filter_map(|row| async { row.ok() })
+ .map(|(name,)| name);
+ let all_labels = futures::stream::iter(state_label)
+ .chain(labels_of_issue)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .await;
+ if opts.atom {
+ atom_entries.push(issue_to_atom_entry(&issue, &all_labels[..]).await?);
+ }
+ if opts.rss {
+ rss_items.push(issue_to_rss_item(&issue, &all_labels[..]).await?);
+ }
+ }
+ if opts.atom {
+ let mut feed = FeedBuilder::default();
+ feed.title(xml_entity_escape(&label));
+ feed.id(&label_url);
+ feed.updated(Utc::now());
+ feed.links(vec![
+ LinkBuilder::default()
+ .href(&label_url)
+ .rel("alternate")
+ .build()
+ .map_err(anyhow::Error::msg)?
+ ]);
+ feed.entries(atom_entries);
+ let feed = feed.build().expect("Failed to build Atom feed");
+ let feed_path = feed_directory.join("atom.xml");
+ let mut out_file = File::create(feed_path)?;
+ feed.write_to(&mut out_file)?;
+ }
+ if opts.rss {
+ let mut channel = ChannelBuilder::default();
+ channel.title(xml_entity_escape(&label));
+ channel.link(&label_url);
+ channel.pub_date(Utc::now().to_rfc2822());
+ channel.items(rss_items);
+ let channel = channel.build().expect("Failed to build RSS channel");
+ let channel_path = feed_directory.join("rss.xml");
+ let mut out_file = File::create(channel_path)?;
+ channel.write_to(&mut out_file)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 7b352bd..c15fe58 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use tracing_subscriber::{
use anyhow::{ anyhow, Result, Context };
pub mod query;
-pub mod atom;
+pub mod generate;
#[structopt(name = "github-label-feed")]
@@ -21,20 +21,40 @@ struct Opt {
+pub struct GenerateOpts {
+ /// Repository to generate feeds for
+ repo: String,
+ /// Root directory of output
+ out_path: PathBuf,
+ /// Labels for which to generate feeds. Leave empty to select all labels
+ labels: Vec<String>,
+ /// Exclude open issues from the feeds
+ #[structopt(long)]
+ without_open: bool,
+ /// Exclude closed issues from the feeds
+ #[structopt(long)]
+ without_closed: bool,
+ /// Generate an RSS feed to rss.xml
+ #[structopt(long)]
+ rss: bool,
+ /// Generate an Atom feed to atom.xml
+ #[structopt(long)]
+ atom: bool
enum OptMode {
+ /// List repositories currently stored in database
+ /// Synchronise <repo> updates, starting from most recent issue update time
Sync {
repo: String,
#[structopt(long = "github-api-token", env = "GITHUB_TOKEN", hide_env_values = true)]
github_api_token: String
- Atom {
- repo: String,
- out_path: PathBuf,
- labels: Vec<String>,
- #[structopt(long)]
- only_open: bool
- }
+ /// Generate Atom feeds for <repo>
+ Generate(GenerateOpts)
@@ -130,12 +150,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
- OptMode::Atom { repo, out_path, labels, only_open } => {
- let repo = parse_repo(&repo)?;
- atom::generate(&mut *pool.acquire().await?, repo, out_path, labels, only_open).await
- .context("Failed to generate Atom feed")?;
- Ok(())
- }
+ OptMode::Generate(opts) => generate::run(&mut *pool.acquire().await?, opts).await