path: root/src/atom.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/atom.rs')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/atom.rs b/src/atom.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f431f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/atom.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use std::{
+ path::PathBuf,
+ fs::{ self, File }
+use sqlx::prelude::*;
+use atom_syndication::*;
+use anyhow::Result;
+use futures::{ Stream, StreamExt };
+use tracing::info;
+use crate::{ Conn, query::repo_id };
+struct Issue {
+ number: i64,
+ state: i64,
+ title: String,
+ body: String,
+ user_login: String,
+ html_url: String,
+ updated_at: i64
+async fn query_issues_for_label<'conn>(conn: &'conn mut Conn, repo_id: i64, label: &str) -> impl Stream<Item=sqlx::Result<Issue>> + 'conn {
+ sqlx::query_as::<_, Issue>(r#"
+ SELECT issues.number, state, title, body, user_login, html_url, updated_at FROM issues
+ INNER JOIN is_labeled ON is_labeled.issue=issues.number
+ WHERE is_labeled.label=(SELECT id FROM labels WHERE repo=? AND name=?)
+ ORDER BY issues.number DESC
+ "#).bind(repo_id).bind(label)
+ .fetch(conn)
+fn issue_to_entry(issue: Issue) -> Entry {
+ EntryBuilder::default()
+ .title(issue.title)
+ .id(issue.html_url.clone())
+ .links(vec![LinkBuilder::default()
+ .href(issue.html_url)
+ .build()
+ .expect("Failed to build link")])
+ .content(ContentBuilder::default()
+ .content_type(Some(String::from("html")))
+ .value(issue.body)
+ .build()
+ .expect("Failed to build content"))
+ .build()
+ .expect("Failed to build entry")
+pub async fn generate(mut conn: &mut Conn, (ref owner, ref name): (String, String), out_path: PathBuf, labels: Vec<String>) -> Result<()> {
+ let labels = if labels.is_empty() {
+ sqlx::query_as::<_, (String,)>(
+ "SELECT name FROM labels WHERE repo=(SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE owner=? AND name=?)"
+ ).bind(owner).bind(name)
+ .fetch(&mut *conn)
+ .filter_map(|row| async { match row {
+ Ok((label,)) => Some(label),
+ _ => None
+ } })
+ .collect()
+ .await
+ } else { labels };
+ let repo_id = repo_id(&mut conn, owner, name).await?;
+ for label in labels {
+ info!("atom for {:?}", label);
+ let mut feed = FeedBuilder::default();
+ feed.title(label.clone());
+ let issues = query_issues_for_label(&mut conn, repo_id, &label).await;
+ feed.entries(
+ issues.filter_map(|issue| async { issue.ok() })
+ .map(issue_to_entry)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .await
+ );
+ let feed = feed.build().expect("Failed to build feed");
+ let feed_directory = out_path.join(label);
+ fs::create_dir_all(&feed_directory)?;
+ let feed_path = feed_directory.join("atom.xml");
+ let mut out_file = File::create(feed_path)?;
+ feed.write_to(&mut out_file)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())