path: root/evaluators.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'evaluators.nix')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/evaluators.nix b/evaluators.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d07c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluators.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+{ pkgs, prepareJob }:
+with pkgs;
+ self = {
+ perl = prepareJob {
+ name = "perl";
+ mem = 50;
+ aliases = [ "pl" ];
+ storeDrives.perl = [ pkgsCross.musl64.perl ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ perl -e 'print "Hello world!"'
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ perl "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "print \"success\"";
+ };
+ rust =
+ let
+ opts = lib.concatStringsSep " " [
+ "--color never"
+ "-C opt-level=0"
+ "-C prefer-dynamic"
+ "-C debuginfo=0"
+ "-v" "--error-format short"
+ "-C codegen-units=1"
+ ];
+ in prepareJob {
+ name = "rust";
+ aliases = [ "rs" ];
+ mem = 200;
+ storeDrives.rust = [
+ (rustChannelOf {
+ channel = "nightly";
+ date = "2018-08-06";
+ }).rust
+ gcc
+ ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ echo 'fn main() {}' > /tmp/sample
+ rustc ${opts} -o /tmp/sample.out /tmp/sample
+ /tmp/sample.out
+ rm /tmp/sample /tmp/sample.out
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ mv "$1" /input.raw
+ cat > /input <<EOF
+ #![allow(unreachable_code, dead_code)]
+ fn main() {
+ println!("{:?}", {
+ $(cat /input.raw)
+ })
+ }
+ rustc ${opts} -o /input.out /input && /input.out
+ '';
+ testInput = "\"success\"";
+ testOutput = "\"success\"";
+ };
+ go = prepareJob {
+ name = "go";
+ mem = 100;
+ storeDrives.go = [ go ];
+ command = ''
+ mv "$1" /input.raw
+ cat > /input.go <<EOF
+ package main
+ import "fmt"
+ func main() {
+ fmt.Println($(cat /input.raw))
+ }
+ go run /input.go
+ '';
+ testInput = ''"success"'';
+ };
+ c = prepareJob {
+ name = "c";
+ mem = 100;
+ aliases = [ "gcc" ];
+ storeDrives.gcc = [ gcc ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ echo 'int main() { return 0; }' > /tmp/sample
+ gcc -x c -o /tmp/sample.out /tmp/sample
+ /tmp/sample.out
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ gcc -x c -o /input.out -w -fdiagnostics-color=never "$1" && /input.out
+ '';
+ testInput = ''
+ void main() { printf("success\n"); }
+ '';
+ };
+ cpp = prepareJob {
+ name = "cpp";
+ mem = 100;
+ storeDrives.gcc = [ gcc ];
+ command = ''
+ mv "$1" /input.raw
+ cat > /input <<EOF
+ #include <iostream>
+ using namespace std;
+ int main() {
+ $(cat /input.raw)
+ return 0;
+ };
+ g++ -x 'c++' -o /input.out /input && /input.out
+ '';
+ testInput = "cout << \"success\" << endl;";
+ };
+ tcc = prepareJob {
+ name = "tcc";
+ mem = 50;
+ storeDrives.tcc = [ tinycc ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ echo 'int main() { return 0; }' > /tmp/sample
+ tcc -run /tmp/sample
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ tcc -run "$1" 2>/dev/null
+ '';
+ testInput = ''
+ void main() { printf("success\n"); }
+ '';
+ };
+ java = prepareJob rec {
+ name = "java";
+ mem = 150;
+ storeDrives.jdk = [ openjdk ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ cat > /tmp/Main.java <<EOF
+ ${testInput}
+ javac /tmp/Main.java
+ cd /tmp && java Main
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ mv "$1" /Main.java
+ javac Main.java && java Main
+ '';
+ # TODO: multi-line tests/input
+ testInput = ''
+ public class Main { public static void main(String... args) { System.out.println("success"); } }
+ '';
+ };
+ kotlin = prepareJob rec {
+ name = "kotlin";
+ mem = 300;
+ storeDrives.kotlin = [ kotlin ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ cat > /tmp/Main.kts <<EOF
+ ${testInput}
+ kotlinc -script /tmp/Main.kts
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ mv "$1" /input.kts
+ kotlinc -script /input.kts
+ '';
+ testInput = ''println("success")'';
+ };
+ python = prepareJob {
+ name = "python";
+ aliases = [ "python3" "py" "py3" ];
+ mem = 75;
+ storeDrives.python = [ python3 ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ ${python3}/bin/python3 -c "print(42)"
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ ${python3}/bin/python3 "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "print(\"success\")";
+ };
+ ruby = prepareJob {
+ name = "ruby";
+ aliases = [ "rb" ];
+ mem = 100;
+ storeDrives.ruby = [ ruby_2_5 ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ echo 42 | ruby
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ ruby "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "puts \"success\"";
+ };
+ sh = prepareJob {
+ name = "bash";
+ aliases = [ "shell" "sh" ];
+ mem = 60;
+ storeDrives.bash = [ bash coreutils gnused gnugrep gawk file bsdgames ];
+ command = ''
+ bash "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "echo success";
+ };
+ ash = prepareJob {
+ name = "ash";
+ command = ''
+ /bin/sh "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "echo success";
+ };
+ nodejs = prepareJob {
+ name = "nodejs";
+ aliases = [ "node" "js" ];
+ mem = 100;
+ storeDrives.node = [ nodejs ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ node -e "console.log(42)"
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ node -p "$(cat "$1")" | tr -s '\n ' ' '
+ '';
+ /*
+ mv "$1" /input.raw
+ cat > /input <<EOF
+ function debug(val) {
+ return require("util").inspect(val, { depth: 1, colors: false })
+ .replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
+ }
+ console.log(debug($(cat /input.raw)))
+ node /input
+ '';*/
+ testInput = "'success'";
+ testOutput = "success ";
+ };
+ lua = prepareJob {
+ name = "lua";
+ mem = 50;
+ storeDrives.lua = [ lua5_3 ];
+ command = ''
+ lua "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "print(\"success\")";
+ };
+ brainfuck = prepareJob {
+ name = "brainfuck";
+ aliases = [ "bf" ];
+ storeDrives.brainfuck = [
+ (runCommand "just-brainfuck" {} ''
+ mkdir -p $out/bin
+ cp ${haskellPackages.brainfuck}/bin/bf $out/bin/
+ '')
+ ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ echo '+[-[<<[+[--->]-[<<<]]]>>>-]>-.---.>..>.<<<<-.<+.>>>>>.>.<<.<-.' > /tmp/sample
+ bf < /tmp/sample
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ bf < "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "+[-[<<[+[--->]-[<<<]]]>>>-]>-.---.>..>.<<<<-.<+.>>>>>.>.<<.<-.";
+ testOutput = "hello world";
+ };
+ php = prepareJob {
+ name = "php";
+ mem = 100;
+ storeDrives.php = [ php ];
+ command = ''
+ php -r "$(cat "$1")"
+ '';
+ testInput = ''echo "success";'';
+ };
+ racket = prepareJob {
+ name = "racket";
+ aliases = [ "rkt" "r" ];
+ mem = 200;
+ storeDrives.racket = [ racket ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ racket -e '(+ 40 2)'
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ ( echo "#lang racket"
+ cat "$1"
+ ) | racket /proc/self/fd/0
+ '';
+ testInput = "(displayln 'success)";
+ };
+ guile = prepareJob {
+ name = "guile";
+ mem = 100;
+ storeDrives.guile = [ guile ];
+ command = ''
+ guile --no-auto-compile -s "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = ''(display "success")'';
+ };
+ haskell = prepareJob {
+ name = "haskell";
+ aliases = [ "hask" "hs" "h" ];
+ mem = 200;
+ storeDrives.ghc = [ ghc ];
+ preCommand = ''
+ echo '"foo":[]:[]' > /tmp/sample
+ ghci -v0 < /tmp/sample
+ '';
+ command = ''
+ ghci -v0 < "$1"
+ '';
+ testInput = "putStrLn \"success\"";
+ };
+ listAll = with self; [
+ ash
+ sh
+ python
+ ruby
+ perl
+ lua
+ nodejs
+ haskell
+ rust
+ c tcc
+ cpp
+ java
+ # kotlin
+ racket
+ guile
+ brainfuck
+ php
+ go
+ ];
+ all = symlinkJoin {
+ name = "all-evaluators";
+ paths = self.listAll;
+ };
+ apparmorAll = map (p: p.apparmor) self.listAll;
+ };
+in self