path: root/src
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authorTill Hoeppner2015-06-27 21:38:40 +0200
committerTill Hoeppner2015-06-27 21:38:40 +0200
commit1e1dd0b217b627ce24ce280c5cf5e9dd27a38ba2 (patch)
tree48bedca538fe492574268f904a00699827acbee5 /src
parent3e02df5fabf1ea31aee61d4ec3e19ad85b312405 (diff)
Add to_static functionality for Commands
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 59 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/src/client.rs b/src/client.rs
index 2ea2e13..84841d4 100644
--- a/src/client.rs
+++ b/src/client.rs
@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ impl SharedClient {
pub fn events(&self) -> Stream<(SharedClient, Message, Arc<Event<'static>>)> {
self.messages().filter_map(|(cl, msg)| match Command::from_message(&msg) {
- Some(m) => Some((cl, msg, Arc::new(Event::Command(m.clone())))),
+ Some(m) => Some((cl, msg.clone(), Arc::new(Event::Command(m.clone()).to_static()))),
None => match Reply::from_message(&msg) {
- Some(r) => Some((cl, msg, Arc::new(Event::Reply(r)))),
+ Some(r) => Some((cl, msg.clone(), Arc::new(Event::Reply(r).to_static()))),
None => None
diff --git a/src/command.rs b/src/command.rs
index 08d07d5..6f849d9 100644
--- a/src/command.rs
+++ b/src/command.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use std::borrow::{ Cow, Borrow, ToOwned };
+use std::borrow::{ Cow, IntoCow, Borrow, ToOwned };
use std::borrow::Cow::*;
use std::iter::Extend;
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ use message::{ Message, MsgType };
pub type CS<'a> = Cow<'a, str>;
#[derive(Debug, Hash, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Command<'a> {
/// ```text
/// 3.1.1 Password message
@@ -1893,142 +1892,59 @@ impl<'a> Command<'a> {
-/* pub fn to_static(&self) -> Command<'static> {
+ pub fn to_static(&self) -> Command<'static> {
+ fn s(c: &Cow<str>) -> Cow<'static, str> {
+ Cow::Owned(c.clone().into_owned())
+ }
+ fn so(c: &Option<Cow<str>>) -> Option<Cow<'static, str>> {
+ c.as_ref().map(s)
+ }
+ fn sv(c: &Vec<Cow<str>>) -> Vec<Cow<'static, str>> {
+ c.iter().map(s).collect()
+ }
use self::Command::*;
match self {
- &PASS(ref pw) => PASS(pw.to_owned().clone()),
- /*&NICK(ref nick) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("NICK"), vec![], Some(nick.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
+ &PASS(ref pw) => PASS(s(pw)),
+ &NICK(ref nick) => NICK(s(nick)),
&USER(ref user, ref mode, ref unused, ref realname) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("USER"),
- vec![user.clone(), mode.clone(), unused.clone()],
- Some(realname.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &OPER(ref name, ref pw) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("OPER"),
- vec![name.clone(), pw.clone()], None, MsgType::Irc),
- &UMODE(ref mode) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("MODE"), vec![], Some(mode.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
+ USER(s(user), s(mode), s(unused), s(realname)),
+ &OPER(ref name, ref pw) => OPER(s(name), s(pw)),
+ &UMODE(ref mode) => UMODE(s(mode)),
&SERVICE(ref nick, ref reserved, ref distribution, ref type_, ref reserved2, ref info) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("SERVICE"),
- vec![nick.clone(), reserved.clone(), distribution.clone(),
- type_.clone(), reserved2.clone()], Some(info.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &QUIT(ref msg) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("QUIT"), vec![], msg.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &SQUIT(ref server, ref comment) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("SQUIT"),
- vec![server.clone()], Some(comment.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &JOIN(ref ch, ref pw) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("JOIN"),
- vec![Owned(ch.connect(",")), Owned(pw.connect(","))], None, MsgType::Irc),
- &PART(ref ch, ref reason) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("PART"),
- vec![Owned(ch.connect(","))], reason.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
+ SERVICE(s(nick), s(reserved), s(distribution), s(type_), s(reserved2), s(info)),
+ &QUIT(ref msg) => QUIT(so(msg)),
+ &SQUIT(ref server, ref comment) => SQUIT(s(server), s(comment)),
+ &JOIN(ref ch, ref pw) => JOIN(sv(ch), sv(pw)),
+ &PART(ref ch, ref reason) => PART(sv(ch), so(reason)),
&MODE(ref channel, ref modes) =>
- // Screw this, folding will have to do.
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("MODE"),
- modes.iter().fold(vec![channel.clone()], |mut v, &(ref a, ref b)| {
- v.push(a.clone());
- v.push(b.clone());
- v
- }), None, MsgType::Irc),
- &TOPIC(ref channel, ref topic) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("TOPIC"),
- vec![channel.clone()], topic.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &NAMES(ref ch, ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("NAMES"),
- vec![Owned(ch.connect(","))], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &LIST(ref ch, ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("LIST"),
- vec![Owned(ch.connect(","))], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &INVITE(ref nick, ref channel) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("INVITE"),
- vec![nick.clone()], Some(channel.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &KICK(ref ch, ref users, ref comment) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("KICK"),
- vec![Owned(ch.connect(",")), Owned(users.connect(","))],
- comment.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &PRIVMSG(ref target, ref msg) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("PRIVMSG"),
- vec![target.clone()], Some(msg.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &NOTICE(ref target, ref text) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("NOTICE"),
- vec![target.clone()], Some(text.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &MOTD(ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("MOTD"), vec![], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &LUSERS(ref lu) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("LUSERS"),
- lu.as_ref().map(|&(ref mask, _)| vec![mask.clone()]).unwrap_or(vec![]),
- lu.as_ref().and_then(|&(_, ref target)| target.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &VERSION(ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("VERSION"), vec![], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &STATS(ref st) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("STATS"),
- st.as_ref().map(|&(ref query, _)| vec![query.clone()]).unwrap_or(vec![]),
- st.as_ref().and_then(|&(_, ref target)| target.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &LINKS(ref l) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("LINKS"),
- l.as_ref().map(|&(ref remote, ref mask)| if remote.is_some() {
- vec![remote.clone().unwrap(), mask.clone()] } else { vec![mask.clone()] }).unwrap_or(vec![]),
- None, MsgType::Irc),
- &TIME(ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("TIME"), vec![], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &CONNECT(ref server, ref port, ref remote) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("CONNECT"),
- vec![server.clone(), Owned(format!("{}", port))], remote.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &TRACE(ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("TRACE"), vec![], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &ADMIN(ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("ADMIN"), vec![], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &INFO(ref target) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("INFO"), vec![], target.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &SERVLIST(ref sl) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("SERVLIST"),
- sl.as_ref().map(|&(ref mask, ref target)| target.as_ref()
- .map(|t| vec![mask.clone(), t.clone()])
- .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![mask.clone()]))
- .unwrap_or(vec![]), None, MsgType::Irc),
- &SQUERY(ref name, ref text) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("SQUERY"),
- vec![name.clone()], Some(text.clone()), MsgType::Irc),
- &WHO(ref mask, o) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("WHO"),
- match (mask, o) {
- (&Some(ref m), true) => vec![m.clone(), Borrowed("o")],
- (&Some(ref m), false) => vec![m.clone()],
- (&None, _) => vec![]
- }, None, MsgType::Irc),
- &WHOIS(ref target, ref masks) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("WHOIS"),
- target.as_ref().map(|t| vec![t.clone(), Owned(masks.connect(","))])
- .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![Owned(masks.connect(","))]), None, MsgType::Irc),
+ MODE(s(channel), modes.iter().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (s(a), s(b))).collect()),
+ &TOPIC(ref channel, ref topic) => TOPIC(s(channel), so(topic)),
+ &NAMES(ref ch, ref target) => NAMES(sv(ch), so(target)),
+ &LIST(ref ch, ref target) => LIST(sv(ch), so(target)),
+ &INVITE(ref nick, ref channel) => INVITE(s(nick), s(channel)),
+ &KICK(ref ch, ref users, ref comment) => KICK(sv(ch), sv(users), so(comment)),
+ &PRIVMSG(ref target, ref msg) => PRIVMSG(s(target), s(msg)),
+ &NOTICE(ref target, ref text) => NOTICE(s(target), s(text)),
+ &MOTD(ref target) => MOTD(so(target)),
+ &LUSERS(ref lu) => LUSERS(lu.as_ref().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (s(a), so(b)))),
+ &VERSION(ref target) => VERSION(so(target)),
+ &STATS(ref st) => STATS(st.as_ref().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (s(a), so(b)))),
+ &LINKS(ref l) => LINKS(l.as_ref().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (so(a), s(b)))),
+ &TIME(ref target) => TIME(so(target)),
+ &CONNECT(ref server, port, ref remote) => CONNECT(s(server), port, so(remote)),
+ &TRACE(ref target) => TRACE(so(target)),
+ &ADMIN(ref target) => ADMIN(so(target)),
+ &INFO(ref target) => INFO(so(target)),
+ &SERVLIST(ref sl) => SERVLIST(sl.as_ref().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (s(a), so(b)))),
+ &SQUERY(ref name, ref text) => SQUERY(s(name), s(text)),
+ &WHO(ref mask, o) => WHO(so(mask), o),
+ &WHOIS(ref target, ref masks) => WHOIS(so(target), sv(masks)),
&WHOWAS(ref nick, ref count) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("WHOWAS"), match count {
- &Some((ref c, Some(ref t))) => vec![Owned(nick.connect(",")), c.clone(), t.clone()],
- &Some((ref c, None)) => vec![Owned(nick.connect(",")), c.clone()],
- &None => vec![Owned(nick.connect(","))]
- }, None, MsgType::Irc),
- &PING(ref s1, ref s2) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("PING"), vec![s1.clone()], s2.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- &PONG(ref s1, ref s2) =>
- Message::format(None, Borrowed("PONG"), vec![s1.clone()], s2.clone(), MsgType::Irc),
- */ /*&Command::PING(ref server1, ref server2) => {
- let mut c = Vec::new();
- c.push(server1.clone());
- if let &Some(ref s) = server2 { c.push(s.clone()) }
- Message::format(None, "PING", c, None, MsgType::Irc)
- },
- &Command::PONG(ref server1, ref server2) => {
- let mut c = Vec::new();
- c.push(server1.clone());
- if let &Some(ref s) = server2 { c.push(s.clone()) }
- Message::format(None, "PONG", c, None, MsgType::Irc)
- },*/
+ WHOWAS(sv(nick), count.as_ref().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (s(a), so(b)))),
+ &PING(ref s1, ref s2) => PING(s(s1), so(s2)),
+ &PONG(ref s1, ref s2) => PONG(s(s1), so(s2)),
_ => unimplemented!()
- }*/
- //pub fn is_reply(&self) -> bool { let i = *self as uint; i >= 200 && i <= 399 }
- //pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool { let i = *self as uint; i >= 400 && i <= 599 }
+ }
diff --git a/src/event.rs b/src/event.rs
index 488ac04..3863b49 100644
--- a/src/event.rs
+++ b/src/event.rs
@@ -10,3 +10,13 @@ pub enum Event<'a> {
+impl<'a> Event<'a> {
+ pub fn to_static(&self) -> Event<'static> {
+ use Event::*;
+ match self {
+ &Command(ref c) => Command(c.to_static()),
+ _ => unimplemented!()
+ }
+ }