path: root/src/xss/XSS.js
diff options
authorhackademix2018-07-01 01:01:23 +0200
committerhackademix2018-07-01 01:01:23 +0200
commiteceae7187a6f0e9510bc1165f6977256b87f490f (patch)
treed943f1ec73c09efa70954dcedb55eac82a726148 /src/xss/XSS.js
Initial commit starting at version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/xss/XSS.js')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/xss/XSS.js b/src/xss/XSS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e33fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xss/XSS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+'use strict';
+var XSS = (() => {
+ const ABORT = {cancel: true}, ALLOW = {};
+ let promptsMap = new Map();
+ async function getUserResponse(xssReq) {
+ let {originKey} = xssReq;
+ await promptsMap.get(originKey);
+ // promptsMap.delete(originKey);
+ switch (await XSS.getUserChoice(originKey)) {
+ case "allow":
+ return ALLOW;
+ case "block":
+ log("Blocking request from %s to %s by previous XSS prompt user choice",
+ xssReq.srcUrl, xssReq.destUrl);
+ return ABORT;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ async function requestListener(request) {
+ if (ns.isEnforced(request.tabId)) {
+ let {policy} = ns;
+ let {type} = request;
+ if (type !== "main_frame") {
+ if (type === "sub_frame") type = "frame";
+ if (!policy.can(request.url, type, request.originUrl)) {
+ return ALLOW; // it will be blocked by RequestGuard
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let xssReq = XSS.parseRequest(request);
+ if (!xssReq) return null;
+ let userResponse = await getUserResponse(xssReq);
+ if (userResponse) return userResponse;
+ let data;
+ let reasons;
+ try {
+ reasons = await XSS.maybe(xssReq);
+ if (!reasons) return ALLOW;
+ data = [];
+ } catch (e) {
+ error(e, "XSS filter processing %o", xssReq);
+ reasons = { urlInjection: true };
+ data = [e.toString()];
+ }
+ let prompting = (async () => {
+ userResponse = await getUserResponse(xssReq);
+ if (userResponse) return userResponse;
+ let {srcOrigin, destOrigin, unescapedDest} = xssReq;
+ let block = !!(reasons.urlInjection || reasons.postInjection)
+ if (reasons.protectName) {
+ RequestUtil.executeOnStart(request, {
+ file: "/xss/sanitizeName.js",
+ });
+ if (!block) return ALLOW;
+ }
+ if (reasons.urlInjection) data.push(`(URL) ${unescapedDest}`);
+ if (reasons.postInjection) data.push(`(POST) ${reasons.postInjection}`);
+ let source = srcOrigin && srcOrigin !== "null" ? srcOrigin : "[...]";
+ let {button, option} = await Prompts.prompt({
+ title: _("XSS_promptTitle"),
+ message: _("XSS_promptMessage", [source, destOrigin, data.join(",")]),
+ options: [
+ {label: _(`XSS_opt${block ? 'Block' : 'Sanitize'}`), checked: true}, // 0
+ {label: _("XSS_optAlwaysBlock", [source, destOrigin])}, // 1
+ {label: _("XSS_optAllow")}, // 2
+ {label: _("XSS_optAlwaysAllow", [source, destOrigin])}, // 3
+ ],
+ buttons: [_("Ok")],
+ multiple: "focus",
+ width: 600,
+ height: 480,
+ });
+ if (button === 0 && option >= 2) {
+ if (option === 3) { // always allow
+ await XSS.setUserChoice(xssReq.originKey, "allow");
+ await XSS.saveUserChoices();
+ }
+ return ALLOW;
+ }
+ if (option === 1) { // always block
+ block = true;
+ await XSS.setUserChoice(xssReq.originKey, "block");
+ await XSS.saveUserChoices();
+ }
+ return block ? ABORT : ALLOW;
+ })();
+ promptsMap.set(xssReq.originKey, prompting);
+ try {
+ return await prompting;
+ } catch (e) {
+ error(e);
+ return ABORT;
+ }
+ };
+ return {
+ async start() {
+ let {onBeforeRequest} = browser.webRequest;
+ if (onBeforeRequest.hasListener(requestListener)) return;
+ await include("/legacy/Legacy.js");
+ await include("/xss/Exceptions.js");
+ this._userChoices = (await Storage.get("sync", "xssUserChoices")).xssUserChoices || {};
+ // conver old style whitelist if stored
+ let oldWhitelist = await XSS.Exceptions.getWhitelist();
+ if (oldWhitelist) {
+ for (let [destOrigin, sources] of Object.entries(oldWhitelist)) {
+ for (let srcOrigin of sources) {
+ this._userChoices[`${srcOrigin}>${destOrigin}`] = "allow";
+ }
+ }
+ XSS.Exceptions.setWhitelist(null);
+ }
+ onBeforeRequest.addListener(requestListener, {
+ urls: ["*://*/*"],
+ types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "object"]
+ }, ["blocking", "requestBody"]);
+ },
+ stop() {
+ let {onBeforeRequest} = browser.webRequest;
+ if (onBeforeRequest.hasListener(requestListener)) {
+ onBeforeRequest.removeListener(requestListener);
+ }
+ },
+ parseRequest(request) {
+ let {
+ url: destUrl,
+ originUrl: srcUrl,
+ method
+ } = request;
+ let destObj;
+ try {
+ destObj = new URL(destUrl);
+ } catch (e) {
+ error(e, "Cannot create URL object for %s", destUrl);
+ return null;
+ }
+ let srcObj = null;
+ if (srcUrl) {
+ try {
+ srcObj = new URL(srcUrl);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ } else {
+ srcUrl = "";
+ }
+ let unescapedDest = unescape(destUrl);
+ let srcOrigin = srcObj ? srcObj.origin : "";
+ let destOrigin = destObj.origin;
+ let isGet = method === "GET";
+ return {
+ xssUnparsed: request,
+ srcUrl,
+ destUrl,
+ srcObj,
+ destObj,
+ srcOrigin,
+ destOrigin,
+ get srcDomain() {
+ delete this.srcDomain;
+ return this.srcDomain = srcObj && srcObj.hostname && tld.getDomain(srcObj.hostname) || "";
+ },
+ get destDomain() {
+ delete this.destDomain;
+ return this.destDomain = tld.getDomain(destObj.hostname);
+ },
+ get originKey() {
+ delete this.originKey;
+ return this.originKey = `${srcOrigin}>${destOrigin}`;
+ },
+ unescapedDest,
+ isGet,
+ isPost: !isGet && method === "POST",
+ }
+ },
+ async saveUserChoices(xssUserChoices = this._userChoices || {}) {
+ this._userChoices = xssUserChoices;
+ await Storage.set("sync", {xssUserChoices});
+ },
+ getUserChoices() {
+ return this._userChoices;
+ },
+ setUserChoice(originKey, choice) {
+ this._userChoices[originKey] = choice;
+ },
+ getUserChoice(originKey) {
+ return this._userChoices[originKey];
+ },
+ async maybe(request) { // return reason or null if everything seems fine
+ let xssReq = request.xssUnparsed ? request : this.parseRequest(request);
+ request = xssReq.xssUnparsed;
+ if (await this.Exceptions.shouldIgnore(xssReq)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let {
+ skipParams,
+ skipRx
+ } = this.Exceptions.partial(xssReq);
+ let {destUrl} = xssReq;
+ await include("/xss/InjectionChecker.js");
+ let ic = await this.InjectionChecker;
+ ic.reset();
+ let postInjection = xssReq.isPost &&
+ request.requestBody && request.requestBody.formData &&
+ ic.checkPost(request.requestBody.formData, skipParams);
+ let protectName = ic.nameAssignment;
+ let urlInjection = ic.checkUrl(destUrl, skipRx);
+ protectName = protectName || ic.nameAssignment;
+ ic.reset();
+ return !(protectName || postInjection || urlInjection) ? null
+ : { protectName, postInjection, urlInjection };
+ }
+ };