use sqlx::prelude::*; use anyhow::{ Result, Context }; use crate::Conn; pub mod issues; pub mod labels; #[derive(sqlx::FromRow, sqlx::Type)] pub struct RepositoryInfo { pub owner: String, pub name: String, pub label_count: i64, pub issue_count: i64 } pub async fn repo_id(conn: &mut Conn, owner: &str, name: &str) -> Result { sqlx::query_as::<_, (i64,)>( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO repositories (owner, name) VALUES (?, ?); SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE owner = ? AND name = ?" ).bind(owner).bind(name) .bind(owner).bind(name) .fetch_one(conn) .await .map(|(id,)| id) .with_context(|| format!("Couldn't find repo '{}/{}' in database", owner, name)) } async fn last_updated(conn: &mut Conn, repo: i64) -> Result> { sqlx::query_as::<_, (i64,)>( "SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM issues WHERE repo = ?", ).bind(repo) .fetch_optional(conn) .await .map(|opt||row| row.0)) .with_context(|| format!("Couldn't find time of last update for repo id {}", repo)) } pub async fn list_repositories(db: &mut Conn) -> sqlx::Result> { sqlx::query_as( "SELECT repositories.owner,, (SELECT count(id) FROM labels WHERE repo = AS label_count, (SELECT count(number) FROM issues WHERE repo = AS issue_count FROM repositories" ).fetch_all(db) .await } pub mod graphql { use std::time::Duration; use reqwest::header; use serde::Serialize; use futures_retry::{ ErrorHandler, RetryPolicy, FutureRetry }; use graphql_client::QueryBody; static API_ENDPOINT: &str = ""; static USER_AGENT: &str = ""; static RETRY_DELAY: &[u64] = &[ 5, 50, 250, 1000, 5000, 25000 ]; pub struct RetryStrategy; impl ErrorHandler for RetryStrategy { type OutError = reqwest::Error; fn handle(&mut self, attempt: usize, e: reqwest::Error) -> RetryPolicy { match RETRY_DELAY.get(attempt) { Some(&ms) => RetryPolicy::WaitRetry(Duration::from_millis(ms)), None => RetryPolicy::ForwardError(e) } } } pub async fn query(client: &reqwest::Client, api_token: &str, query: QueryBody) -> reqwest::Result { FutureRetry::new(|| { client .post(API_ENDPOINT) .timeout(Duration::from_secs(60)) .header(header::USER_AGENT, USER_AGENT) .bearer_auth(api_token) .json(&query) .send() }, RetryStrategy) .await .map(|(res, _)| res) .map_err(|(e, _)| e) } }