use std::{ env, io, path::PathBuf }; use structopt::StructOpt; use sqlx::SqlitePool; use tracing::info; use tracing_subscriber::{ fmt, filter, layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt }; use anyhow::{ anyhow, Result, Context }; pub mod query; pub mod generate; #[derive(StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "github-label-feed")] struct Opt { #[structopt(subcommand)] mode: OptMode, } #[derive(StructOpt)] pub struct GenerateOpts { /// Repository to generate feeds for repo: String, /// Root directory of output out_path: PathBuf, /// Labels for which to generate feeds. Leave empty to select all labels labels: Vec, /// Exclude open issues from the feeds #[structopt(long)] without_open: bool, /// Exclude closed issues from the feeds #[structopt(long)] without_closed: bool, /// Generate an RSS feed to rss.xml #[structopt(long)] rss: bool, /// Generate an Atom feed to atom.xml #[structopt(long)] atom: bool } #[derive(StructOpt)] enum OptMode { /// List repositories currently stored in database List, /// Synchronise updates, starting from most recent issue update time Sync { repo: String, #[structopt(long = "github-api-token", env = "GITHUB_TOKEN", hide_env_values = true)] github_api_token: String }, /// Generate Atom feeds for Generate(GenerateOpts) } pub type Conn = sqlx::SqliteConnection; async fn init_db(conn: &mut Conn) { // Naive init, all data is re-fetch-able, so no support for migrations sqlx::query(r#" PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; PRAGMA synchronous = OFF; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS repositories( id integer PRIMARY KEY, owner text, name text, UNIQUE (owner, name) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS issues( repo integer REFERENCES repositories, number integer, state integer, title text, body text, user_login text, html_url text, updated_at integer, PRIMARY KEY (repo, number) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS issues_state ON issues (repo, number, state); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS labels( id integer PRIMARY KEY, repo integer REFERENCES repositories, name text, UNIQUE (repo, name) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS is_labeled( repo integer, issue integer, label integer RFERENCES labels, PRIMARY KEY (repo, issue, label), FOREIGN KEY (repo, issue) REFERENCES issues ); "#).execute(conn) .await .expect("Failed to init database"); } pub fn parse_repo(combined: &str) -> Result<(String, String)> { let mut parts = combined .split('/') .map(str::trim) .map(str::to_owned); match (, { (Some(r), Some(n)) => Ok((r, n)), _ => Err(anyhow!("invalid repo format, expected owner/name: '{}'", combined)) } } fn main() -> Result<()> { let env_spec = env::var("RUST_LOG") .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("info")); tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(fmt::layer() .without_time() .with_writer(io::stderr)) .with(filter::EnvFilter::new(env_spec)) .init(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); smol::run(async { let pool = SqlitePool::new("sqlite:./issues.sqlite").await?; init_db(&mut *pool.acquire().await?).await; match opt.mode { OptMode::List => { let repos = query::list_repositories(&mut *pool.acquire().await?).await?; for query::RepositoryInfo { owner, name, label_count, issue_count, .. } in repos { println!("{}/{} ({} labels, {} issues)", owner, name, label_count, issue_count); } Ok(()) }, OptMode::Sync { repo, github_api_token } => { info!("sync"); let repo = parse_repo(&repo)?; let mut tx = pool.begin().await?; query::labels::update(&mut tx, &github_api_token, repo.clone()) .await .context("Failed to update labels")?; query::issues::update(&mut tx, &github_api_token, repo) .await .context("Failed to update issues")?; tx.commit().await?; Ok(()) }, OptMode::Generate(opts) => generate::run(&mut *pool.acquire().await?, opts).await } }) }