#![feature(plugin, path_ext, path_relative_from)] #![plugin(serde_macros, docopt_macros)] extern crate iron; extern crate regex; extern crate conduit_mime_types; extern crate mustache; extern crate libc; extern crate num_cpus; extern crate serde; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate docopt; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate env_logger; extern crate serde_json; use std::{ env, fs, process }; use std::path::{ Path, PathBuf }; use std::io::{ Read, Write }; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::{ File, PathExt }; use std::sync::Arc; use std::borrow::Borrow; use regex::Regex; use conduit_mime_types::Types; use serde_json::Value; use iron::prelude::*; use iron::status; use iron::mime::{ Mime, TopLevel, SubLevel }; use iron::headers::ContentType; use iron::modifiers::Header; use mustache::{ Template, VecBuilder, MapBuilder }; use constants::*; pub mod constants; docopt!(Args derive Debug, " A minimal static file server, written in Rust with Iron. Usage: sersve [options] Options: -h, --help Show this message. -v, --version Show the version of sersve (duh). -c, --config FILE Provide a configuration file (JSON). -a, --address HOST The address to bind to. -p, --port PORT The port to serve. -r, --root ROOT The uppermost directory to serve. -f, --filter REGEX A regular expression to filter the filenames. -s, --size BYTES The maximum size of a file that will be served. -t, --template TEMPLATE A Mustache template to use for rendering. --threads THREADS Amount of threads to use for serving. --fork Fork sersve into a background process.", flag_help: bool, flag_version: bool, flag_config: Option, flag_address: Option, flag_port: Option, flag_root: Option, flag_filter: Option, flag_size: Option, flag_template: Option, flag_threads: Option, flag_fork: bool ); #[derive(Clone)] struct State { template: Template, root: Option, mime_types: Arc } const HOST: &'static str = ""; const PORT: u16 = 8080; static UNITS: &'static [&'static str] = &["B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]; const KEY_TITLE: &'static str = "title"; const KEY_CONTENT: &'static str = "content"; const KEY_URL: &'static str = "url"; const KEY_SIZE: &'static str = "size"; const KEY_NAME: &'static str = "name"; const DEF_LEN: usize = 10000; lazy_static! { static ref ARGS: Args = { let mut args: Args = Args::docopt().decode().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()); if let Some(ref flag_config) = args.flag_config { let conf = File::open(&flag_config) .and_then(|mut f| { let mut out = String::new(); f.read_to_string(&mut out).map(|_| out) }).map_err(|e| error(e.description())) .unwrap(); // cannot if-let, because typesafe errors are helpful let json = match serde_json::from_str(&conf) { Ok(Value::Object(o)) => o, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. Doesn't contain valid top-level object.") }; args.flag_address = args.flag_address.or(match json.get("address") { Some(&Value::String(ref s)) => Some((*s).clone()), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `address` field must be a string.") }); args.flag_port = args.flag_port.or(match json.get("port") { Some(&Value::U64(u)) => Some(u as u16), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `port` field must be an unsigned integer.") }); args.flag_root = args.flag_root.or(match json.get("root") { Some(&Value::String(ref s)) => Some(s.clone()), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `root` field must be a string.") }); args.flag_filter = args.flag_filter.or(match json.get("filter") { Some(&Value::String(ref s)) => Some((*s).clone()), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `filter` field must be a string.") }); args.flag_size = args.flag_size.or(match json.get("size") { Some(&Value::U64(u)) => Some(u), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `size` field must be an unsigned integer.") }); args.flag_template = args.flag_template.or(match json.get("template") { Some(&Value::String(ref s)) => Some((*s).clone()), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `template` field must be a string.") }); args.flag_fork = args.flag_fork || match json.get("fork") { Some(&Value::Bool(b)) => b, None => false, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `fork` field must be a boolean") }; args.flag_threads = args.flag_threads.or(match json.get("threads") { Some(&Value::U64(u)) => Some(u as usize), None => None, _ => panic!("Invalid configuration file. `threads` field must be a string.") }) }; args }; static ref STATE: State = State { template: mustache::compile_str(&ARGS.flag_template.as_ref().unwrap_or(&OPT_TEMPLATE.to_owned())), root: ARGS.flag_root.clone().map(|p| Path::new(&p).to_path_buf()), mime_types: Arc::new(Types::new().ok().unwrap()) }; } fn error(e: &str) -> ! { println!("Error: {}", e); process::exit(-1); } fn fork() { unsafe { let pid = libc::funcs::posix88::unistd::fork(); if pid == 0 { // we are child, now get to work return; } else if pid > 0 { // fork succeeded, die process::exit(0); } else if pid < 0 { // unsuccessful, don't die return; } } } fn size_with_unit(mut size: u64) -> String { let mut frac = 0; let mut index = 0; while size > 1000 && index + 1 < UNITS.len() { frac = size % 1000; size /= 1000; index += 1; } format!("{}.{} {}", size, frac, UNITS[index]) } fn render<'a, W: Write>(mut out: W, template: Template, root: PathBuf, dir: PathBuf, files: Vec, filter: Option) { let data = MapBuilder::new() .insert_str(KEY_TITLE, format!("{}", dir.display())) .insert_vec(KEY_CONTENT, |mut vec: VecBuilder| { let item = |map: MapBuilder, url: &Path, size: u64, name: String| { map.insert(KEY_URL, &format!("{}", url.display())).unwrap() .insert(KEY_SIZE, &size_with_unit(size)).unwrap() .insert_str(KEY_NAME, name) }; // add `..` entry if necessary let mut up = dir.to_path_buf(); up.pop(); if up.starts_with(&root) { vec = vec.push_map(|map: MapBuilder| item(map, &up.relative_from(&root).unwrap(), 0, "..".to_owned())); } for file in files.iter() { let relative = file.relative_from(&root).unwrap(); let stat = file.metadata().unwrap(); let filename = file.file_name() .expect("Cannot get filename").to_string_lossy().into_owned(); if filter.as_ref().map_or(true, |f| f.is_match(&filename)) { vec = vec.push_map(|map| item(map, &relative, stat.len(), filename.clone())); } } vec }).build(); template.render_data(&mut out, &data); } fn plain(content: &[u8]) -> IronResult { Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, content))) } fn html(content: &[u8]) -> IronResult { plain(content).map(|r| r.set(Header(ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Html, vec![]))))) } fn from_path(path: &Path) -> IronResult { Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, path))) } fn serve(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult { req.headers.set_raw("Connection", vec![b"close".to_vec()]); let (filter_str, max_size) = ( ARGS.flag_filter.clone(), ARGS.flag_size ); let (template, root, mime_types) = ( STATE.template.clone(), STATE.root.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| env::current_dir().ok().unwrap()), STATE.mime_types.clone() ); let mut path = root.clone(); for part in req.url.path.iter() { path.push(part) } if !path.exists() { return html(format!("Error, `{}` does not exist.", path.display()).as_bytes()); } let filter = filter_str.and_then(|s| Regex::new(&s).ok()); if path.is_file() && path.starts_with(&root) { let stat = path.metadata(); if stat.as_ref().ok().is_some() && max_size.is_some() && stat.ok().unwrap().len() > max_size.unwrap() { return html(b"I'm afraid, I'm too lazy to serve the requested file. It's pretty big...") } if filter.as_ref().map_or(false, |f| !f.is_match(path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().borrow())) { return html(b"I don't think you're allowed to do this."); } let mime: Option = path.extension() .map(|s| s.to_string_lossy().to_owned()) .map_or(None, |e| mime_types.get_mime_type(e.borrow())) .and_then(|m| m.parse().ok()); if mime.as_ref().is_some() { from_path(&path).map(|r| r.set(Header(ContentType((*mime.as_ref().unwrap()).clone())))) } else { from_path(path.as_path()) } } else { let mut content: Vec = match fs::read_dir(&path) { Ok(s) => s.filter_map(Result::ok).map(|s| s.path()).collect(), Err(e) => return html(format!("Error: {}", e.description()).as_bytes()) }; content.sort_by(|a, b| a.to_string_lossy().cmp(&b.to_string_lossy())); let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(DEF_LEN); render(&mut out, template, root, path, content, filter); html(&out) } } fn main() { env_logger::init().ok().expect("Unable to initialise env_logger."); let (host, port, threads) = { (ARGS.flag_address.clone().unwrap_or(HOST.into()), ARGS.flag_port.clone().unwrap_or(PORT), ARGS.flag_threads.unwrap_or(num_cpus::get())) }; if ARGS.flag_fork { fork() } match Iron::new(serve).listen_with((host.as_ref(), port), threads, iron::Protocol::Http) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => println!("I'm sorry, I failed you.\nError: {:?}", e) } }