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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const E2BIG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>7</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EACCES: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>13</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EADDRINUSE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>98</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EADDRNOTAVAIL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>99</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EADV: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>68</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EAFNOSUPPORT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>97</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EALREADY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>114</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>52</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADF: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>9</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADFD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>77</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADMSG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>74</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>53</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADRQC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>56</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBADSLT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>57</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EBFONT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>59</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ECHRNG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>44</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ECOMM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>70</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EDEADLK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>35</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EDEADLOCK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>EDEADLK</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EDESTADDRREQ: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>89</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EDOM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>33</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EDOTDOT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>73</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EDQUOT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>122</code></pre></section>
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+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EEXIST: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>17</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EFAULT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>14</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EFBIG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>27</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EHOSTDOWN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>112</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EHOSTUNREACH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>113</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EHWPOISON: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>133</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EIDRM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>43</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EILSEQ: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>84</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EINPROGRESS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>115</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EINTR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>4</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EINVAL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>22</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EIO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>5</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EISCONN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>106</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EISDIR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>21</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EISNAM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>120</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EKEYEXPIRED: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>127</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EKEYREJECTED: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>129</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EKEYREVOKED: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>128</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EL2HLT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>51</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EL3HLT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>46</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EL3RST: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>47</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELIBACC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>79</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELIBBAD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>80</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELIBEXEC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>83</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELIBMAX: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>82</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELIBSCN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>81</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELNRNG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>48</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ELOOP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>40</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EMEDIUMTYPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>124</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EMLINK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>31</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EMSGSIZE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>90</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EMULTIHOP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>72</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENAMETOOLONG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>36</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENAVAIL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>119</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENETDOWN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>100</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENETRESET: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>102</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENETUNREACH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>101</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENFILE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>23</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOANO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>55</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOBUFS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>105</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOCSI: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>50</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENODATA: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>61</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENODEV: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>19</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOENT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOEXEC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>8</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOKEY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>126</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOLCK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>37</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOLINK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>67</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOMEDIUM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>123</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOMEM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>12</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOMSG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>42</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENONET: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>64</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOPKG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>65</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOPROTOOPT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>92</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOSPC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>28</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOSR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>63</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOSTR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>60</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOSYS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>38</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTBLK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>15</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTCONN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>107</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTDIR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>20</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTEMPTY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>39</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTNAM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>118</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTRECOVERABLE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>131</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTSOCK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>88</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTTY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>25</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENOTUNIQ: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>76</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ENXIO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>6</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EOPNOTSUPP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>95</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EOVERFLOW: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>75</code></pre></section>
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+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EOWNERDEAD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>130</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EPERM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EPFNOSUPPORT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>96</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EPIPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>32</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EPROTO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>71</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EPROTONOSUPPORT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>93</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EPROTOTYPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>91</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ERANGE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>34</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EREMCHG: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>78</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EREMOTE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>66</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EREMOTEIO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>121</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ERESTART: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>85</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ERFKILL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>132</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EROFS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>30</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESHUTDOWN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>108</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>94</code></pre></section>
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+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESPIPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>29</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESRCH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>3</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESRMNT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>69</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESTALE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>116</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ESTRPIPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>86</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ETIME: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>62</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ETIMEDOUT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>110</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ETOOMANYREFS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>109</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const ETXTBSY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>26</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EUCLEAN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>117</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EUNATCH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>49</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EUSERS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>87</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EWOULDBLOCK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>EAGAIN</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EXDEV: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>18</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const EXFULL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>54</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const F_LOCK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const F_OK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MAP_ANON: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0020</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MAP_FAILED: <a href='http://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/primitive.pointer.html'>*mut <a class='enum' href='../../../../libc/types/common/c95/enum.c_void.html' title='libc::types::common::c95::c_void'>c_void</a></a><code> = </code><code>!0 as *mut c_void</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MAP_FIXED: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0010</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MAP_PRIVATE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0002</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MCL_CURRENT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0001</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MCL_FUTURE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0002</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MS_ASYNC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0001</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MS_INVALIDATE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0002</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const MS_SYNC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0x0004</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const O_APPEND: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1024</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const O_CREAT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>64</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const O_NOCTTY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>256</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const O_RDONLY: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const O_RDWR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const O_TRUNC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>512</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const PROT_EXEC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>4</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const PROT_NONE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const PROT_READ: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const PROT_WRITE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGABRT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>6</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGALRM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>14</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGFPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>8</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGHUP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGILL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>4</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGPIPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>13</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const SIGQUIT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>3</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const STDIN_FILENO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const STDOUT_FILENO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IEXEC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>64</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IFBLK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>24576</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IFCHR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>8192</code></pre></section>
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+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IFDIR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>16384</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IFIFO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>4096</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IFLNK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>40960</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IFMT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>61440</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IREAD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>256</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IRGRP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>32</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IROTH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>4</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IRUSR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>256</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IRWXU: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>448</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IWGRP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>16</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IWOTH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IWRITE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>128</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IWUSR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>128</code></pre></section>
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+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IXGRP: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>8</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IXOTH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const S_IXUSR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/posix88/type.mode_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::posix88::mode_t'>mode_t</a><code> = </code><code>64</code></pre></section>
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+ </p>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<h2 id='constants' class='section-header'><a href="#constants">Constants</a></h2>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.E2BIG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::E2BIG'>E2BIG</a></td>
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+ </td>
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+ <tr class=' module-item'>
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+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EACCES'>EACCES</a></td>
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+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EADDRINUSE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EADDRINUSE'>EADDRINUSE</a></td>
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+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EADDRNOTAVAIL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EADDRNOTAVAIL'>EADDRNOTAVAIL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EADV.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EADV'>EADV</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EAFNOSUPPORT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EAFNOSUPPORT'>EAFNOSUPPORT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EAGAIN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EAGAIN'>EAGAIN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EALREADY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EALREADY'>EALREADY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADE'>EBADE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADF.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADF'>EBADF</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADFD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADFD'>EBADFD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADMSG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADMSG'>EBADMSG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADR'>EBADR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADRQC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADRQC'>EBADRQC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBADSLT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBADSLT'>EBADSLT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBFONT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBFONT'>EBFONT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EBUSY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EBUSY'>EBUSY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECANCELED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECANCELED'>ECANCELED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECHILD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECHILD'>ECHILD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECHRNG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECHRNG'>ECHRNG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECOMM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECOMM'>ECOMM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECONNABORTED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECONNABORTED'>ECONNABORTED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECONNREFUSED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECONNREFUSED'>ECONNREFUSED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ECONNRESET.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ECONNRESET'>ECONNRESET</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EDEADLK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EDEADLK'>EDEADLK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EDEADLOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EDEADLOCK'>EDEADLOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EDESTADDRREQ.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EDESTADDRREQ'>EDESTADDRREQ</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EDOM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EDOM'>EDOM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EDOTDOT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EDOTDOT'>EDOTDOT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EDQUOT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EDQUOT'>EDQUOT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EEXIST.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EEXIST'>EEXIST</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EFAULT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EFAULT'>EFAULT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EFBIG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EFBIG'>EFBIG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EHOSTDOWN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EHOSTDOWN'>EHOSTDOWN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EHOSTUNREACH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EHOSTUNREACH'>EHOSTUNREACH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EHWPOISON.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EHWPOISON'>EHWPOISON</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EIDRM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EIDRM'>EIDRM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EILSEQ.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EILSEQ'>EILSEQ</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EINPROGRESS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EINPROGRESS'>EINPROGRESS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EINTR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EINTR'>EINTR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EINVAL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EINVAL'>EINVAL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EIO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EIO'>EIO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EISCONN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EISCONN'>EISCONN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EISDIR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EISDIR'>EISDIR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EISNAM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EISNAM'>EISNAM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EKEYEXPIRED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EKEYEXPIRED'>EKEYEXPIRED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EKEYREJECTED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EKEYREJECTED'>EKEYREJECTED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EKEYREVOKED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EKEYREVOKED'>EKEYREVOKED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EL2HLT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EL2HLT'>EL2HLT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EL2NSYNC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EL2NSYNC'>EL2NSYNC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EL3HLT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EL3HLT'>EL3HLT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EL3RST.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EL3RST'>EL3RST</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELIBACC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELIBACC'>ELIBACC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELIBBAD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELIBBAD'>ELIBBAD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELIBEXEC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELIBEXEC'>ELIBEXEC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELIBMAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELIBMAX'>ELIBMAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELIBSCN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELIBSCN'>ELIBSCN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELNRNG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELNRNG'>ELNRNG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ELOOP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ELOOP'>ELOOP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EMEDIUMTYPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EMEDIUMTYPE'>EMEDIUMTYPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EMFILE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EMFILE'>EMFILE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EMLINK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EMLINK'>EMLINK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EMSGSIZE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EMSGSIZE'>EMSGSIZE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EMULTIHOP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EMULTIHOP'>EMULTIHOP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENAMETOOLONG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENAMETOOLONG'>ENAMETOOLONG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENAVAIL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENAVAIL'>ENAVAIL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENETDOWN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENETDOWN'>ENETDOWN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENETRESET.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENETRESET'>ENETRESET</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENETUNREACH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENETUNREACH'>ENETUNREACH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENFILE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENFILE'>ENFILE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOANO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOANO'>ENOANO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOBUFS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOBUFS'>ENOBUFS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOCSI.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOCSI'>ENOCSI</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENODATA.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENODATA'>ENODATA</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENODEV.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENODEV'>ENODEV</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOENT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOENT'>ENOENT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOEXEC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOEXEC'>ENOEXEC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOKEY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOKEY'>ENOKEY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOLCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOLCK'>ENOLCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOLINK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOLINK'>ENOLINK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOMEDIUM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOMEDIUM'>ENOMEDIUM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOMEM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOMEM'>ENOMEM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOMSG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOMSG'>ENOMSG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENONET.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENONET'>ENONET</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOPKG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOPKG'>ENOPKG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOPROTOOPT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOPROTOOPT'>ENOPROTOOPT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOSPC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOSPC'>ENOSPC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOSR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOSR'>ENOSR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOSTR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOSTR'>ENOSTR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOSYS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOSYS'>ENOSYS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTBLK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTBLK'>ENOTBLK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTCONN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTCONN'>ENOTCONN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTDIR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTDIR'>ENOTDIR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTEMPTY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTEMPTY'>ENOTEMPTY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTNAM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTNAM'>ENOTNAM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTRECOVERABLE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTRECOVERABLE'>ENOTRECOVERABLE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTSOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTSOCK'>ENOTSOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTTY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTTY'>ENOTTY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENOTUNIQ.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENOTUNIQ'>ENOTUNIQ</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ENXIO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ENXIO'>ENXIO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EOPNOTSUPP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EOPNOTSUPP'>EOPNOTSUPP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EOVERFLOW.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EOVERFLOW'>EOVERFLOW</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EOWNERDEAD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EOWNERDEAD'>EOWNERDEAD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EPERM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EPERM'>EPERM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EPFNOSUPPORT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EPFNOSUPPORT'>EPFNOSUPPORT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EPIPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EPIPE'>EPIPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EPROTO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EPROTO'>EPROTO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EPROTONOSUPPORT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EPROTONOSUPPORT'>EPROTONOSUPPORT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EPROTOTYPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EPROTOTYPE'>EPROTOTYPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ERANGE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ERANGE'>ERANGE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EREMCHG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EREMCHG'>EREMCHG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EREMOTE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EREMOTE'>EREMOTE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EREMOTEIO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EREMOTEIO'>EREMOTEIO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ERESTART.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ERESTART'>ERESTART</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ERFKILL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ERFKILL'>ERFKILL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EROFS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EROFS'>EROFS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESHUTDOWN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESHUTDOWN'>ESHUTDOWN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESOCKTNOSUPPORT'>ESOCKTNOSUPPORT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESPIPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESPIPE'>ESPIPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESRCH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESRCH'>ESRCH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESRMNT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESRMNT'>ESRMNT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESTALE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESTALE'>ESTALE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ESTRPIPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ESTRPIPE'>ESTRPIPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ETIME.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ETIME'>ETIME</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ETIMEDOUT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ETIMEDOUT'>ETIMEDOUT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ETOOMANYREFS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ETOOMANYREFS'>ETOOMANYREFS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.ETXTBSY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::ETXTBSY'>ETXTBSY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EUCLEAN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EUCLEAN'>EUCLEAN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EUNATCH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EUNATCH'>EUNATCH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EUSERS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EUSERS'>EUSERS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EWOULDBLOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EWOULDBLOCK'>EWOULDBLOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EXDEV.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EXDEV'>EXDEV</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.EXFULL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::EXFULL'>EXFULL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_LOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::F_LOCK'>F_LOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_OK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::F_OK'>F_OK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_TEST.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::F_TEST'>F_TEST</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_TLOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::F_TLOCK'>F_TLOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_ULOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::F_ULOCK'>F_ULOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MAP_ANON.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MAP_ANON'>MAP_ANON</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MAP_FAILED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MAP_FAILED'>MAP_FAILED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MAP_FILE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MAP_FILE'>MAP_FILE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MAP_FIXED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MAP_FIXED'>MAP_FIXED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MAP_PRIVATE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MAP_PRIVATE'>MAP_PRIVATE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MAP_SHARED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MAP_SHARED'>MAP_SHARED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MCL_CURRENT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MCL_CURRENT'>MCL_CURRENT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MCL_FUTURE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MCL_FUTURE'>MCL_FUTURE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MS_ASYNC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MS_ASYNC'>MS_ASYNC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MS_INVALIDATE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MS_INVALIDATE'>MS_INVALIDATE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.MS_SYNC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::MS_SYNC'>MS_SYNC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_APPEND.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_APPEND'>O_APPEND</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_CREAT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_CREAT'>O_CREAT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_EXCL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_EXCL'>O_EXCL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_NOCTTY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_NOCTTY'>O_NOCTTY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_RDONLY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_RDONLY'>O_RDONLY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_RDWR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_RDWR'>O_RDWR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_TRUNC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_TRUNC'>O_TRUNC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_WRONLY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::O_WRONLY'>O_WRONLY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PROT_EXEC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::PROT_EXEC'>PROT_EXEC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PROT_NONE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::PROT_NONE'>PROT_NONE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PROT_READ.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::PROT_READ'>PROT_READ</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PROT_WRITE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::PROT_WRITE'>PROT_WRITE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.R_OK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::R_OK'>R_OK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGABRT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGABRT'>SIGABRT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGALRM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGALRM'>SIGALRM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGFPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGFPE'>SIGFPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGHUP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGHUP'>SIGHUP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGILL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGILL'>SIGILL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGINT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGINT'>SIGINT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGKILL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGKILL'>SIGKILL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGPIPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGPIPE'>SIGPIPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGQUIT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGQUIT'>SIGQUIT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGSEGV.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGSEGV'>SIGSEGV</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGTERM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::SIGTERM'>SIGTERM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.STDERR_FILENO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::STDERR_FILENO'>STDERR_FILENO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.STDIN_FILENO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::STDIN_FILENO'>STDIN_FILENO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.STDOUT_FILENO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::STDOUT_FILENO'>STDOUT_FILENO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IEXEC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IEXEC'>S_IEXEC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFBLK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFBLK'>S_IFBLK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFCHR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFCHR'>S_IFCHR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFDIR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFDIR'>S_IFDIR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFIFO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFIFO'>S_IFIFO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFLNK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFLNK'>S_IFLNK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFMT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFMT'>S_IFMT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IFREG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IFREG'>S_IFREG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IREAD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IREAD'>S_IREAD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IRGRP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IRGRP'>S_IRGRP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IROTH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IROTH'>S_IROTH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IRUSR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IRUSR'>S_IRUSR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IRWXG.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IRWXG'>S_IRWXG</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IRWXO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IRWXO'>S_IRWXO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IRWXU.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IRWXU'>S_IRWXU</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IWGRP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IWGRP'>S_IWGRP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IWOTH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IWOTH'>S_IWOTH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IWRITE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IWRITE'>S_IWRITE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IWUSR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IWUSR'>S_IWUSR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IXGRP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IXGRP'>S_IXGRP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.S_IXOTH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IXOTH'>S_IXOTH</a></td>
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+ </td>
+ </tr>
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+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::S_IXUSR'>S_IXUSR</a></td>
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+ </td>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.W_OK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix88::W_OK'>W_OK</a></td>
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+ </td>
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index 0000000..7e01337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/consts/os/posix88/sidebar-items.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+initSidebarItems({"constant":[["E2BIG",""],["EACCES",""],["EADDRINUSE",""],["EADDRNOTAVAIL",""],["EADV",""],["EAFNOSUPPORT",""],["EAGAIN",""],["EALREADY",""],["EBADE",""],["EBADF",""],["EBADFD",""],["EBADMSG",""],["EBADR",""],["EBADRQC",""],["EBADSLT",""],["EBFONT",""],["EBUSY",""],["ECANCELED",""],["ECHILD",""],["ECHRNG",""],["ECOMM",""],["ECONNABORTED",""],["ECONNREFUSED",""],["ECONNRESET",""],["EDEADLK",""],["EDEADLOCK",""],["EDESTADDRREQ",""],["EDOM",""],["EDOTDOT",""],["EDQUOT",""],["EEXIST",""],["EFAULT",""],["EFBIG",""],["EHOSTDOWN",""],["EHOSTUNREACH",""],["EHWPOISON",""],["EIDRM",""],["EILSEQ",""],["EINPROGRESS",""],["EINTR",""],["EINVAL",""],["EIO",""],["EISCONN",""],["EISDIR",""],["EISNAM",""],["EKEYEXPIRED",""],["EKEYREJECTED",""],["EKEYREVOKED",""],["EL2HLT",""],["EL2NSYNC",""],["EL3HLT",""],["EL3RST",""],["ELIBACC",""],["ELIBBAD",""],["ELIBEXEC",""],["ELIBMAX",""],["ELIBSCN",""],["ELNRNG",""],["ELOOP",""],["EMEDIUMTYPE",""],["EMFILE",""],["EMLINK",""],["EMSGSIZE",""],["EMULTIHOP",""],["ENAMETOOLONG",""],["ENAVAIL",""],["ENETDOWN",""],["ENETRESET",""],["ENETUNREACH",""],["ENFILE",""],["ENOANO",""],["ENOBUFS",""],["ENOCSI",""],["ENODATA",""],["ENODEV",""],["ENOENT",""],["ENOEXEC",""],["ENOKEY",""],["ENOLCK",""],["ENOLINK",""],["ENOMEDIUM",""],["ENOMEM",""],["ENOMSG",""],["ENONET",""],["ENOPKG",""],["ENOPROTOOPT",""],["ENOSPC",""],["ENOSR",""],["ENOSTR",""],["ENOSYS",""],["ENOTBLK",""],["ENOTCONN",""],["ENOTDIR",""],["ENOTEMPTY",""],["ENOTNAM",""],["ENOTRECOVERABLE",""],["ENOTSOCK",""],["ENOTTY",""],["ENOTUNIQ",""],["ENXIO",""],["EOPNOTSUPP",""],["EOVERFLOW",""],["EOWNERDEAD",""],["EPERM",""],["EPFNOSUPPORT",""],["EPIPE",""],["EPROTO",""],["EPROTONOSUPPORT",""],["EPROTOTYPE",""],["ERANGE",""],["EREMCHG",""],["EREMOTE",""],["EREMOTEIO",""],["ERESTART",""],["ERFKILL",""],["EROFS",""],["ESHUTDOWN",""],["ESOCKTNOSUPPORT",""],["ESPIPE",""],["ESRCH",""],["ESRMNT",""],["ESTALE",""],["ESTRPIPE",""],["ETIME",""],["ETIMEDOUT",""],["ETOOMANYREFS",""],["ETXTBSY",""],["EUCLEAN",""],["EUNATCH",""],["EUSERS",""],["EWOULDBLOCK",""],["EXDEV",""],["EXFULL",""],["F_LOCK",""],["F_OK",""],["F_TEST",""],["F_TLOCK",""],["F_ULOCK",""],["MAP_ANON",""],["MAP_FAILED",""],["MAP_FILE",""],["MAP_FIXED",""],["MAP_PRIVATE",""],["MAP_SHARED",""],["MCL_CURRENT",""],["MCL_FUTURE",""],["MS_ASYNC",""],["MS_INVALIDATE",""],["MS_SYNC",""],["O_APPEND",""],["O_CREAT",""],["O_EXCL",""],["O_NOCTTY",""],["O_RDONLY",""],["O_RDWR",""],["O_TRUNC",""],["O_WRONLY",""],["PROT_EXEC",""],["PROT_NONE",""],["PROT_READ",""],["PROT_WRITE",""],["R_OK",""],["SIGABRT",""],["SIGALRM",""],["SIGFPE",""],["SIGHUP",""],["SIGILL",""],["SIGINT",""],["SIGKILL",""],["SIGPIPE",""],["SIGQUIT",""],["SIGSEGV",""],["SIGTERM",""],["STDERR_FILENO",""],["STDIN_FILENO",""],["STDOUT_FILENO",""],["S_IEXEC",""],["S_IFBLK",""],["S_IFCHR",""],["S_IFDIR",""],["S_IFIFO",""],["S_IFLNK",""],["S_IFMT",""],["S_IFREG",""],["S_IREAD",""],["S_IRGRP",""],["S_IROTH",""],["S_IRUSR",""],["S_IRWXG",""],["S_IRWXO",""],["S_IRWXU",""],["S_IWGRP",""],["S_IWOTH",""],["S_IWRITE",""],["S_IWUSR",""],["S_IXGRP",""],["S_IXOTH",""],["S_IXUSR",""],["W_OK",""],["X_OK",""]]}); \ No newline at end of file