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author2015-06-29 20:16:15 +0000
committer2015-06-29 20:16:15 +0000
commit64106c4d3d4ddba8c7bc2af75376e6d3d3d75601 (patch)
tree8c64d6e8be006486d975a651505fbbde61365cd6 /libc/consts/os/posix01
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const CLOCK_REALTIME: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const F_DUPFD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const F_GETFD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const F_GETFL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>3</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const F_SETFD: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_ABORTED: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_APPEND: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 5</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_DOOFFS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 3</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_ERR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 0</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_MARK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 1</code></pre></section>
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+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_NOCHECK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 4</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Search functions by type signature (e.g.
+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_NOESCAPE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 6</code></pre></section>
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+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_NOMATCH: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>3</code></pre></section>
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+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <p>
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_NOSORT: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1 << 2</code></pre></section>
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+ <dd>Go to active search result</dd>
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+ <div class="infos">
+ <h1>Search tricks</h1>
+ <p>
+ Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
+ </p>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const GLOB_NOSPACE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>4</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const POSIX_MADV_NORMAL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const POSIX_MADV_RANDOM: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const PTHREAD_STACK_MIN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.size_t.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::size_t'>size_t</a><code> = </code><code>16384</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_AS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>9</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_CPU: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>0</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_DATA: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>2</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_FSIZE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>1</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_LOCKS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>10</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_MEMLOCK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>8</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>12</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_NICE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>13</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_NLIMITS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>16</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_NOFILE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>7</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>fn:</code>) to restrict the search to a given type.
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+ <p>
+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_NPROC: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>6</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_RSS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>5</code></pre></section>
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+ Accepted types are: <code>fn</code>, <code>mod</code>,
+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+ <code>vec -> usize</code>)
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_RTPRIO: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>14</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_RTTIME: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>15</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_SIGPENDING: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>11</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>struct</code>, <code>enum</code>,
+ <code>trait</code>, <code>typedef</code> (or
+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIMIT_STACK: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>3</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIM_SAVED_CUR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/common/posix01/type.rlim_t.html' title='libc::types::os::common::posix01::rlim_t'>rlim_t</a><code> = </code><code>RLIM_INFINITY</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RLIM_SAVED_MAX: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/common/posix01/type.rlim_t.html' title='libc::types::os::common::posix01::rlim_t'>rlim_t</a><code> = </code><code>RLIM_INFINITY</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const RUSAGE_CHILDREN: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>-1</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>28</code></pre></section>
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+ <code>tdef</code>).
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>77</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>78</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>73</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>74</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>79</code></pre></section>
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+<pre class='rust const'>pub const _SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX: <a class='type' href='../../../../libc/types/os/arch/c95/type.c_int.html' title='libc::types::os::arch::c95::c_int'>c_int</a><code> = </code><code>76</code></pre></section>
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+<h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Module <a href='../../../index.html'>libc</a>::<wbr><a href='../../index.html'>consts</a>::<wbr><a href='../index.html'>os</a>::<wbr><a class='mod' href=''>posix01</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
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+ </span><a id='src-2234' class='srclink' href='../../../../src/libc/lib.rs.html#3294-3404' title='goto source code'>[src]</a></span></h1>
+<h2 id='constants' class='section-header'><a href="#constants">Constants</a></h2>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.CLOCK_MONOTONIC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::CLOCK_MONOTONIC'>CLOCK_MONOTONIC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.CLOCK_REALTIME.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::CLOCK_REALTIME'>CLOCK_REALTIME</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_DUPFD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::F_DUPFD'>F_DUPFD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_GETFD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::F_GETFD'>F_GETFD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_GETFL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::F_GETFL'>F_GETFL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_SETFD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::F_SETFD'>F_SETFD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.F_SETFL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::F_SETFL'>F_SETFL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_ABORTED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_ABORTED'>GLOB_ABORTED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_APPEND.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_APPEND'>GLOB_APPEND</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_DOOFFS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_DOOFFS'>GLOB_DOOFFS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_ERR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_ERR'>GLOB_ERR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_MARK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_MARK'>GLOB_MARK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_NOCHECK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_NOCHECK'>GLOB_NOCHECK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_NOESCAPE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_NOESCAPE'>GLOB_NOESCAPE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_NOMATCH.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_NOMATCH'>GLOB_NOMATCH</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_NOSORT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_NOSORT'>GLOB_NOSORT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.GLOB_NOSPACE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::GLOB_NOSPACE'>GLOB_NOSPACE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.O_ACCMODE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::O_ACCMODE'>O_ACCMODE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED'>POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.POSIX_MADV_NORMAL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::POSIX_MADV_NORMAL'>POSIX_MADV_NORMAL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.POSIX_MADV_RANDOM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::POSIX_MADV_RANDOM'>POSIX_MADV_RANDOM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL'>POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED'>POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED'>PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE'>PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.PTHREAD_STACK_MIN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::PTHREAD_STACK_MIN'>PTHREAD_STACK_MIN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_AS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_AS'>RLIMIT_AS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_CORE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_CORE'>RLIMIT_CORE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_CPU.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_CPU'>RLIMIT_CPU</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_DATA.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_DATA'>RLIMIT_DATA</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_FSIZE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_FSIZE'>RLIMIT_FSIZE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_LOCKS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_LOCKS'>RLIMIT_LOCKS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_MEMLOCK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_MEMLOCK'>RLIMIT_MEMLOCK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE'>RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_NICE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_NICE'>RLIMIT_NICE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_NLIMITS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_NLIMITS'>RLIMIT_NLIMITS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_NOFILE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_NOFILE'>RLIMIT_NOFILE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_NPROC.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_NPROC'>RLIMIT_NPROC</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_RSS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_RSS'>RLIMIT_RSS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_RTPRIO.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_RTPRIO'>RLIMIT_RTPRIO</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_RTTIME.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_RTTIME'>RLIMIT_RTTIME</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_SIGPENDING.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_SIGPENDING'>RLIMIT_SIGPENDING</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIMIT_STACK.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIMIT_STACK'>RLIMIT_STACK</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIM_INFINITY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIM_INFINITY'>RLIM_INFINITY</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIM_SAVED_CUR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIM_SAVED_CUR'>RLIM_SAVED_CUR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RLIM_SAVED_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RLIM_SAVED_MAX'>RLIM_SAVED_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RUSAGE_CHILDREN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RUSAGE_CHILDREN'>RUSAGE_CHILDREN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RUSAGE_SELF.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RUSAGE_SELF'>RUSAGE_SELF</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.RUSAGE_THREAD.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::RUSAGE_THREAD'>RUSAGE_THREAD</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIGTRAP.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::SIGTRAP'>SIGTRAP</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant.SIG_IGN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::SIG_IGN'>SIG_IGN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_ATEXIT_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_ATEXIT_MAX'>_SC_ATEXIT_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX'>_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX'>_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_IOV_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_IOV_MAX'>_SC_IOV_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX'>_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX'>_SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREADS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREADS'>_SC_THREADS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR'>_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE'>_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS.html'
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX'>_SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING'>_SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT'>_SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT'>_SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED'>_SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS'>_SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN'>_SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX'>_SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_TTY_NAME_MAX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_TTY_NAME_MAX'>_SC_TTY_NAME_MAX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=' module-item'>
+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_CRYPT.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_CRYPT'>_SC_XOPEN_CRYPT</a></td>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N'>_SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_LEGACY.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_LEGACY'>_SC_XOPEN_LEGACY</a></td>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_REALTIME.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME'>_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME</a></td>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS'>_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_SHM.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_SHM'>_SC_XOPEN_SHM</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_UNIX.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_UNIX'>_SC_XOPEN_UNIX</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_VERSION.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_VERSION'>_SC_XOPEN_VERSION</a></td>
+ <td class='docblock short'>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
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+ <td><a class='constant' href='constant._SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION.html'
+ title='libc::consts::os::posix01::_SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION'>_SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION</a></td>
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