//! Per-nick word/line statistics use ilc_base::{self, Context, Decode, Event}; use ilc_base::event::Type; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{BufRead, Write}; struct Person { lines: u32, alpha_lines: u32, words: u32, } fn words_alpha(s: &str) -> (u32, bool) { let mut alpha = false; let mut words = 0; for w in s.split_whitespace() { if !w.is_empty() { words += 1; if w.chars().any(char::is_alphabetic) { alpha = true } } } (words, alpha) } fn strip_nick_prefix(s: &str) -> &str { if s.is_empty() { return s; } match s.as_bytes()[0] { b'~' | b'&' | b'@' | b'%' | b'+' => &s[1..], _ => s, } } // TODO: Don't print results, return Stats struct /// Return the `count` most active nicks, with lines, words and words per lines calculated. /// /// `usize::MAX` is a good default if you don't want to cap the statistics. pub fn freq(count: usize, ctx: &Context, input: &mut BufRead, decoder: &mut Decode, output: &mut Write) -> ilc_base::Result<()> { let mut stats: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for e in decoder.decode(&ctx, input) { let m = try!(e); match m { Event { ty: Type::Msg { ref from, ref content, .. }, .. } => { let nick = strip_nick_prefix(from); if stats.contains_key(nick) { let p: &mut Person = stats.get_mut(nick).unwrap(); let (words, alpha) = words_alpha(content); p.lines += 1; if alpha { p.alpha_lines += 1 } p.words += words; } else { let (words, alpha) = words_alpha(content); stats.insert(nick.to_owned(), Person { lines: 1, alpha_lines: if alpha { 1 } else { 0 }, words: words, }); } } _ => (), } } let mut stats: Vec<(String, Person)> = stats.into_iter().collect(); stats.sort_by(|&(_, ref a), &(_, ref b)| b.words.cmp(&a.words)); for &(ref name, ref stat) in stats.iter().take(count) { try!(write!(output, "{}:\n\tTotal lines: {}\n\tLines without alphabetic characters: {}\n\tTotal \ words: {}\n\tWords per line: {}\n", name, stat.lines, stat.lines - stat.alpha_lines, stat.words, stat.words as f32 / stat.lines as f32)); } Ok(()) }