#[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate ilc_base; extern crate chrono; use std::io::{BufRead, Write}; use std::borrow::{Cow, ToOwned}; use std::iter::Iterator; use ilc_base::event::{Event, Time, Type}; use ilc_base::format::{rejoin, strip_one}; use ilc_base::{Context, Decode, Encode}; use log::LogLevel::Info; use chrono::*; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Energymech; static TIME_FORMAT: &'static str = "%H:%M:%S"; pub struct Iter<'a> { context: &'a Context, input: &'a mut BufRead, buffer: Vec, } impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a> { type Item = ilc_base::Result>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option>> { fn parse_time(context: &Context, time: &str) -> Time { let h = time[1..3].parse::().unwrap(); let m = time[4..6].parse::().unwrap(); let s = time[7..9].parse::().unwrap(); if let Some(date) = context.override_date { Time::Timestamp(context.timezone_in .from_local_date(&date) .and_time(NaiveTime::from_hms(h, m, s)) .single() .expect("Transformed log times can't be represented, due \ to timezone transitions") .timestamp()) } else { Time::Hms(h as u8, m as u8, s as u8) } } loop { self.buffer.clear(); match self.input.read_until(b'\n', &mut self.buffer) { Ok(0) | Err(_) => return None, Ok(_) => (), } let buffer = String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.buffer); let mut split_tokens: Vec = Vec::new(); let tokens = buffer.split(|c: char| { if c.is_whitespace() { split_tokens.push(c); true } else { false } }) .collect::>(); if log_enabled!(Info) { info!("Original: `{}`", buffer); info!("Parsing: {:?}", tokens); } // slice pattern matching is not stable as of Feb. 2016 and was replaced with // nested if-else chains in this module. let len = tokens.len(); // [21:53:49] * Foo emotes if len >= 4 && tokens[1] == "*" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Action { from: tokens[2].to_owned().into(), content: rejoin(&tokens[3..], &split_tokens[3..]), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } if len >= 2 && tokens[1] == "***" { // [21:24:57] *** Foo is now known as Bar if len >= 8 && tokens[3] == "is" && tokens[4] == "now" && tokens[5] == "known" && tokens[6] == "as" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Nick { old_nick: tokens[2].to_owned().into(), new_nick: tokens[7].to_owned().into(), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [23:21:17] *** Paster was kicked by fripp.mozilla.org (Channel flood triggered (limit is 5 lines in 3 secs)) if len >= 8 && tokens[3] == "was" && tokens[4] == "kicked" && tokens[5] == "by" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Kick { kicked_nick: tokens[2].to_owned().into(), kicking_nick: Some(tokens[6].to_owned().into()), kick_message: Some(strip_one(&rejoin(&tokens[7..], &split_tokens[7..])) .into()), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [21:49:59] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Foo if len >= 7 && tokens[3] == "sets" && tokens[4] == "mode:" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Mode { nick: Some(tokens[2].to_owned().into()), mode: tokens[5].to_owned().into(), masks: rejoin(&tokens[6..], &split_tokens[6..]).to_owned().into(), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [21:49:59] *** Joins: Foo (host@some.mask) if len >= 5 && tokens[2] == "Joins:" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Join { nick: tokens[3].to_owned().into(), mask: Some(strip_one(tokens[4]).into()), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [03:52:11] *** Parts: Foo (some@host.mask) (A reason? Nah...) if len >= 6 && tokens[2] == "Parts:" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Part { nick: tokens[3].to_owned().into(), mask: Some(strip_one(tokens[4]).into()), reason: Some(strip_one(&rejoin(&tokens[5..], &split_tokens[5..])) .into()), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [03:48:33] *** Quits: Foo (just@a.hostmask) (Ping timeout: 42 seconds) if len >= 6 && tokens[2] == "Quits:" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Quit { nick: tokens[3].to_owned().into(), mask: Some(strip_one(tokens[4]).into()), reason: Some(strip_one(&rejoin(&tokens[5..], &split_tokens[5..])) .into()), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [09:44:56] *** Foo changes topic to 'Hi there, why are you reading this comment?' if len >= 7 && tokens[3] == "changes" && tokens[4] == "topic" && tokens[5] == "to" { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::TopicChange { nick: Some(tokens[2].to_owned().into()), new_topic: strip_one(&rejoin(&tokens[6..], &split_tokens[6..])).into(), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } } // [03:36:01] Just some moderately ugly code, nothing special to be found here. if len >= 3 && tokens[1].starts_with('<') && tokens[1].ends_with('>') { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Msg { from: strip_one(tokens[1]).into(), content: rejoin(&tokens[2..], &split_tokens[2..]), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } // [10:25:22] -playbot- true if len >= 3 && tokens[1].starts_with('-') && tokens[1].ends_with('-') { return Some(Ok(Event { ty: Type::Notice { from: strip_one(tokens[1]).into(), content: rejoin(&tokens[2..], &split_tokens[2..]), }, time: parse_time(&self.context, tokens[0]), channel: self.context.channel.clone().map(Into::into), })); } if option_env!("FUSE").is_some() { panic!("Shouldn't reach here, this is a bug!") } } } } impl Decode for Energymech { fn decode<'a>(&'a self, context: &'a Context, input: &'a mut BufRead) -> Box>> + 'a> { Box::new(Iter { context: context, input: input, buffer: Vec::new(), }) } } impl Encode for Energymech { fn encode<'a>(&'a self, context: &'a Context, mut output: &'a mut Write, event: &'a Event) -> ilc_base::Result<()> { match event { &Event { ty: Type::Msg { ref from, ref content }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] <{}> {}", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), from, content)) } &Event { ty: Type::Notice { ref from, ref content }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] -{}- {}", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), from, content)) } &Event { ty: Type::Action { ref from, ref content }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] * {} {}", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), from, content)) } &Event { ty: Type::Nick { ref old_nick, ref new_nick }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] *** {} is now known as {}", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), old_nick, new_nick)) } &Event { ty: Type::Mode { ref nick, ref mode, ref masks }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] *** {} sets mode: {} {}", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), nick.as_ref().expect("Nickname not present, but required."), mode, masks)) } &Event { ty: Type::Join { ref nick, ref mask }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] *** Joins: {} ({})", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), nick, mask.as_ref().expect("Mask not present, but required."))) } &Event { ty: Type::Part { ref nick, ref mask, ref reason }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] *** Parts: {} ({}) ({})", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), nick, mask.as_ref().expect("Mask not present, but required."), reason.as_ref().unwrap_or(&Cow::Borrowed("")))) } &Event { ty: Type::Quit { ref nick, ref mask, ref reason }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] *** Quits: {} ({}) ({})", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), nick, mask.as_ref().expect("Mask not present, but required."), reason.as_ref().expect("Reason not present, but required."))) } &Event { ty: Type::TopicChange { ref nick, ref new_topic }, ref time, .. } => { try!(writeln!(&mut output, "[{}] *** {} changes topic to '{}'", time.with_format(&context.timezone_out, TIME_FORMAT), nick.as_ref().expect("Nick not present, but required."), new_topic)) } _ => { if option_env!("FUSE").is_some() { panic!("Shouldn't reach here, this is a bug!") } () } } Ok(()) } }