#!/bin/bash # Script to upgrade/install the arc-theme #URL theme_name=Arc-theme # Theme name download_url=https://github.com/horst3180/$theme_name/archive/master.tar.gz # Tempdir tempdir=/tmp/$theme_name # Directories lightdir=/usr/share/themes/Arc darkerdir=/usr/share/themes/Arc-Darker darkdir=/usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark userlightdir=$HOME/.themes/Arc userdarkerdir=$HOME/.themes/Arc-Darker userdarkdir=$HOME/.themes/Arc-Dark userlightdir2=$HOME/local/share/themes/Arc userdarkerdir2=$HOME/local/share/themes/Arc-Darker userdarkdir2=$HOME/local/share/themes/Arc-Dark #Functions show_error() { echo -e "\033[1;31m$@\033[0m" } check_root() { if [[ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]]; then show_error "This script has to be run as root" exit 1; fi } check_command() { fail=false for i in "$@" do command -v $i >/dev/null 2>&1 || { show_error >&2 "This script requires "$i" but it's not installed."; fail=true; } done if [ "$fail" = true ]; then echo echo "Aborting." echo exit 1; fi } check_directories() { dirfound=false echo "Checking if theme is installed..." echo for i in "$@" do if [ -d "$i" ]; then echo "Found $i" dirfound=true fi done if [ "$dirfound" = true ]; then echo echo "The above directories will be overwritten." fi if [ "$dirfound" = false ]; then echo "Theme is not installed." fi } install_theme() { # Remove current installation rm -rf $lightdir $darkerdir $darkdir # Clean tempdir rm -rf $tempdir && mkdir $tempdir && cd $tempdir # Get the sources wget $download_url tar xf master.tar.gz && cd "$theme_name"-master # Build and install ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr make install # Install this script if [ ! -f /usr/bin/$(basename $0) ]; then echo read -r -p "Do you like to install the $(basename $0) for future upgrades? [y/N] " response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) cp -r arc-theme-upgrade /usr/bin/ ;; *) echo "Aborted by user" exit 0; ;; esac else echo "Upgrading the $(basename $0)" cp -f $(basename $0) /usr/bin/ fi # Remove the sources rm -rf $tempdir echo echo "Installation complete." } # Main part clear echo '####################################' echo '# Arc Theme Install Script #' echo '####################################' echo #Check available commands check_command automake wget pkg-config autoconf make tar #Check if we are root check_root #Check if theme is installed check_directories $lightdir $darkerdir $darkdir echo read -r -p "Do you want to continue installation? [y/N] " response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) install_theme ;; *) echo "Aborted by user" exit 0; ;; esac