'use strict'; var UI = (() => { var UI = { initialized: false, presets: { "DEFAULT": "Default", "T_TRUSTED": "Trusted_temporary", "TRUSTED": "Trusted_permanent", "UNTRUSTED": "Untrusted", "CUSTOM": "Custom", }, async init(tabId = -1) { UI.tabId = tabId; let scripts = [ "/ui/ui.css", "/lib/punycode.js", "/lib/tld.js", "/common/Policy.js", ]; this.mobile = !("windows" in browser); if (this.mobile) { document.documentElement.classList.toggle("mobile", true); scripts.push("/lib/fastclick.js"); } await include(scripts); let inited = new Promise(resolve => { let listener = async m => { if (m.type === "settings") { UI.policy = new Policy(m.policy); UI.snapshot = UI.policy.snapshot; UI.seen = m.seen; UI.unrestrictedTab = m.unrestrictedTab; UI.xssUserChoices = m.xssUserChoices; UI.local = m.local; UI.sync = m.sync; if (UI.local && !UI.local.debug) { debug = () => {}; // be quiet! } resolve(); if (UI.onSettings) UI.onSettings(); await HighContrast.init(); } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(listener); if (this.mobile) FastClick.attach(document.body); UI.pullSettings(); }); await inited; this.initialized = true; debug("Imported", Policy); }, async pullSettings() { browser.runtime.sendMessage({type: "NoScript.broadcastSettings", tabId: UI.tabId}); }, async updateSettings({policy, xssUserChoices, unrestrictedTab, local, sync, reloadAffected}) { if (policy) policy = policy.dry(true); return await browser.runtime.sendMessage({type: "NoScript.updateSettings", policy, xssUserChoices, unrestrictedTab, local, sync, reloadAffected, tabId: UI.tabId, }); }, async exportSettings() { return await browser.runtime.sendMessage({type: "NoScript.exportSettings"}); }, async importSettings(data) { return await browser.runtime.sendMessage({type: "NoScript.importSettings", data}); }, async revokeTemp() { let policy = this.policy; Policy.hydrate(policy.dry(), policy); if (this.isDirty(true)) { await this.updateSettings({policy, reloadAffected: true}); } }, isDirty(reset = false) { let currentSnapshot = this.policy.snapshot; let dirty = currentSnapshot != this.snapshot; if (reset) this.snapshot = currentSnapshot; return dirty; }, async openSiteInfo(domain) { let url = `/ui/siteInfo.html#${encodeURIComponent(domain)};${UI.tabId}`; browser.tabs.create({url}); }, wireOption(name, storage = "sync", onchange) { let input = document.querySelector(`#opt-${name}`); if (!input) { debug("Checkbox not found %s", name); return; } if (typeof storage === "function") { input.onchange = e => storage(input); input.checked = storage(null); } else { let obj = UI[storage]; if (!obj) log(storage); input.checked = obj[name]; if (onchange) onchange(input.checked); input.onchange = async () => { obj[name] = input.checked; await UI.updateSettings({[storage]: obj}); if (onchange) onchange(obj[name]); } } return input; } }; var HighContrast = { css: null, async init() { this.widget = UI.wireOption("highContrast", "local", value => { UI.highContrast = value; this.toggle(); }); await this.toggle(); }, async toggle() { let hc = "highContrast" in UI ? UI.highContrast : await this.detect(); if (hc) { if (this.css) { document.documentElement.appendChild(this.css); } else { this.css = await include("/ui/ui-hc.css") } } else if (this.css) { this.css.remove(); } document.documentElement.classList.toggle("hc", hc); if (this.widget) { this.widget.checked = hc; } }, detect() { if ("highContrast" in UI.local) { UI.highContrast = UI.local.highContrast; } else { // auto-detect let canary = document.createElement("input"); canary.className="https-only"; canary.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(canary); UI.highContrast = window.getComputedStyle(canary).backgroundImage === "none"; canary.parentNode.removeChild(canary); } return UI.highContrast; } }; function fireOnChange(sitesUI, data) { if (UI.isDirty(true)) { UI.updateSettings({policy: UI.policy}); if (sitesUI.onChange) sitesUI.onChange(data, this); } } function compareBy(prop, a, b) { let x = a[prop], y = b[prop]; return x > y ? 1 : x < y ? -1 : 0; } const TEMPLATE = `
`; const TEMP_PRESETS = ["CUSTOM"]; const DEF_PRESETS = { // name: customizable, "DEFAULT": false, "T_TRUSTED": false, "TRUSTED": false, "UNTRUSTED": false, "CUSTOM": true, }; UI.Sites = class { constructor(parentNode, presets = DEF_PRESETS) { this.parentNode = parentNode; let policy = UI.policy; this.uiCount = UI.Sites.count = (UI.Sites.count || 0) + 1; this.sites = policy.sites; this.presets = presets; this.customizing = null; this.typesMap = new Map(); this.clear(); } initRow(table = this.table) { let row = table.querySelector("tr.site"); // PRESETS { let presets = row.querySelector(".presets"); let [span, input, label, options] = presets.querySelectorAll("span.preset, input.preset, label.preset, .options"); span.remove(); options.title = _("Options"); for (let [preset, customizable] of Object.entries(this.presets)) { let messageKey = UI.presets[preset]; input.value = preset; label.textContent = label.title = input.title = _(messageKey); let clone = span.cloneNode(true); clone.classList.add(preset); let temp = clone.querySelector(".temp"); if (TEMP_PRESETS.includes(preset)) { temp.title = _("allowTemp", `(${label.title.toUpperCase()})`); temp.nextElementSibling.textContent = _("allowTemp", ""); // label; } else { temp.nextElementSibling.remove(); temp.remove(); } if (customizable) { clone.querySelector(".options").remove(); } presets.appendChild(clone); } if (!UI.mobile) { UI.Sites.correctSize(presets); } } // URL { let [input, label] = row.querySelectorAll("input.https-only, label.https-only"); input.title = label.title = label.textContent = _("httpsOnly"); } // CUSTOMIZER ROW { let [customizer, legend, cap, capInput, capLabel] = table.querySelectorAll(".customizer, legend, span.cap, input.cap, label.cap"); row._customizer = customizer; customizer.remove(); let capParent = cap.parentNode; capParent.removeChild(cap); legend.textContent = _("allow"); let idSuffix = UI.Sites.count; for (let capability of Permissions.ALL) { capInput.id = `capability-${capability}-${idSuffix}` capLabel.setAttribute("for", capInput.id); capInput.value = capability; capInput.title = capLabel.textContent = _(`cap_${capability}`); let clone = capParent.appendChild(cap.cloneNode(true)); clone.classList.add(capability); } } // debug(table.outerHTML); return row; } static correctSize(presets) { // adapt button to label if needed let sizer = document.createElement("div"); sizer.id = "presets-sizer"; sizer.appendChild(presets.cloneNode(true)); document.body.appendChild(sizer); setTimeout(async () => { let presetWidth = sizer.querySelector("input.preset").offsetWidth; let labelWidth = 0; for (let l of sizer.querySelectorAll("label.preset")) { let lw = l.offsetWidth; debug("lw", l.textContent, lw); if (lw > labelWidth) labelWidth = lw; } debug(`Preset: %s Label: %s`, presetWidth, labelWidth); labelWidth += 16; if (presetWidth < labelWidth) { for (let ss of document.styleSheets) { if (ss.href.endsWith("/ui.css")) { for (let r of ss.cssRules) { if (/input\.preset:checked.*min-width:/.test(r.cssText)) { r.style.minWidth = (labelWidth) + "px"; break; } } } } } sizer.remove(); }, 100); UI.Sites.correctSize = () => {}; // just once, please! } allSiteRows() { return this.table.querySelectorAll("tr.site"); } clear() { debug("Clearing list", this.table); this.template = document.createElement("template"); this.template.innerHTML = TEMPLATE; this.fragment = this.template.content; this.table = this.fragment.querySelector("table.sites"); this.rowTemplate = this.initRow(); for (let r of this.allSiteRows()) { r.parentNode.removeChild(r); } this.customize(null); this.sitesCount = 0; } siteNeeds(site, type) { let siteTypes = this.typesMap && this.typesMap.get(site); return !!siteTypes && siteTypes.has(type); } handleEvent(ev) { let target = ev.target; let customizer = target.closest(".customizer"); let row = customizer ? customizer.parentNode.querySelector("tr.customizing") : target.closest("tr.site"); if (!row) return; row.temp2perm = false; let isTemp = target.matches("input.temp"); let preset = target.matches("input.preset") ? target : customizer || isTemp ? row.querySelector("input.preset:checked") : target.closest("input.preset"); debug("%s target %o\n\trow %s, perms %o\npreset %s %s", ev.type, target, row && row.siteMatch, row && row.perms, preset && preset.value, preset && preset.checked); if (!preset) { if (target.matches("input.https-only") && ev.type === "change") { this.toggleSecure(row, target.checked); fireOnChange(this, row); } else if (target.matches(".domain")) { UI.openSiteInfo(row.domain); } return; } let policy = UI.policy; let {siteMatch, contextMatch, perms} = row; let presetValue = preset.value; let policyPreset = presetValue.startsWith("T_") ? policy[presetValue.substring(2)].tempTwin : policy[presetValue]; if (policyPreset) { if (row.perms !== policyPreset) { row.temp2perm = row.perms && policyPreset.tempTwin === row.perms; row.perms = policyPreset; } } let isCap = customizer && target.matches(".cap"); let tempToggle = preset.parentNode.querySelector("input.temp"); if (ev.type === "change") { if (preset.checked) { row.dataset.preset = preset.value; } if (isCap) { perms.set(target.value, target.checked); } else if (policyPreset) { if (tempToggle && tempToggle.checked) { policyPreset = policyPreset.tempTwin; } row.contextMatch = null; row.perms = policyPreset; delete row._customPerms; debug("Site match", siteMatch); if (siteMatch) { policy.set(siteMatch, policyPreset); } else { this.customize(policyPreset, preset, row); } } else if (preset.value === "CUSTOM") { if (isTemp) { row.perms.temp = target.checked; } else { let temp = preset.parentNode.querySelector("input.temp").checked; let perms = row._customPerms || (row._customPerms = new Permissions(new Set(row.perms.capabilities), temp)); row.perms = perms; policy.set(siteMatch, perms); this.customize(perms, preset, row); } } fireOnChange(this, row); } else if (!(isCap || isTemp) && ev.type === "click") { this.customize(row.perms, preset, row); } } customize(perms, preset, row) { debug("Customize preset %s (%o) - Dirty: %s", preset && preset.value, perms, this.dirty); for(let r of this.table.querySelectorAll("tr.customizing")) { r.classList.toggle("customizing", false); } let customizer = this.rowTemplate._customizer; customizer.classList.toggle("closed", true); if (!(perms && row && preset && row.dataset.preset === preset.value && this.presets[preset.value] && preset !== customizer._preset)) { delete customizer._preset; return; } customizer._preset = preset; row.classList.toggle("customizing", true); let immutable = Permissions.IMMUTABLE[preset.value] || {}; for (let input of customizer.querySelectorAll("input")) { let type = input.value; if (type in immutable) { input.disabled = true; input.checked = immutable[type]; } else { input.checked = perms.allowing(type); input.disabled = false; } input.parentNode.classList.toggle("needed", this.siteNeeds(row._site, type)); row.parentNode.insertBefore(customizer, row.nextElementSibling); customizer.classList.toggle("closed", false); customizer.onkeydown = e => { switch(e.keyCode) { case 38: case 8: e.preventDefault(); this.onkeydown = null; this.customize(null); preset.focus(); return false; } } window.setTimeout(() => customizer.querySelector("input").focus(), 50); } } render(sites = this.sites, sorter = this.sorter) { let parentNode = this.parentNode; debug("Rendering %o inside %o", sites, parentNode); if (sites) this._populate(sites, sorter); parentNode.innerHTML = ""; parentNode.appendChild(this.fragment); let root = parentNode.querySelector("table.sites"); debug("Wiring", root); if (!root.wiredBy) { root.addEventListener("click", this, true); root.addEventListener("change", this, true); root.wiredBy = this; } return root; } _populate(sites, sorter) { this.clear(); if (sites instanceof Sites) { for (let [site, perms] of sites) { this.append(site, site, perms); } } else { for (let site of sites) { let context = null; if (site.site) { site = site.site; context = site.context; } let {siteMatch, perms, contextMatch} = UI.policy.get(site, context); this.append(site, siteMatch, perms, contextMatch); } this.sites = sites; } this.sort(sorter); window.setTimeout(() => this.focus(), 50); } focus() { let firstPreset = this.table.querySelector("input.preset:checked"); if (firstPreset) firstPreset.focus(); } sort(sorter = this.sorter) { if (this.mainDomain) { let md = this.mainDomain; let wrappedCompare = sorter; sorter = (a, b) => { let x = a.domain, y = b.domain; if (x === md) { if (y !== md) { return -1; } } else if (y === md) { return 1; } return wrappedCompare(a, b); } } let rows = [...this.allSiteRows()].sort(sorter); if (this.mainSite) { let mainLabel = "." + this.mainDomain; let topIdx = rows.findIndex(r => r._label === mainLabel); if (topIdx === -1) rows.findIndex(r => r._site === this.mainSite); if (topIdx !== -1) { // move the row to the top let topRow = rows.splice(topIdx, 1)[0]; rows.unshift(topRow); topRow.classList.toggle("main", true); } } this.clear(); for (let row of rows) this.table.appendChild(row); this.table.appendChild(this.rowTemplate._customizer); } sorter(a, b) { return compareBy("domain", a, b) || compareBy("_label", a, b); } async tempTrustAll() { let {policy} = UI; let changed = 0; for (let row of this.allSiteRows()) { if (row._preset === "DEFAULT") { policy.set(row._site, policy.TRUSTED.tempTwin); changed++; } } if (changed && UI.isDirty(true)) { await UI.updateSettings({policy, reloadAffected: true}); } return changed; } createSiteRow(site, siteMatch, perms, contextMatch = null, sitesCount = this.sitesCount++) { debug("Creating row for site: %s, matching %s / %s, %o", site, siteMatch, contextMatch, perms); let row = this.rowTemplate.cloneNode(true); row.sitesCount = sitesCount; let url; try { url = new URL(site); } catch (e) { let protocol = Sites.isSecureDomainKey(site) ? "https:" : "http:"; let hostname = Sites.toggleSecureDomainKey(site, false); url = {protocol, hostname, origin: `${protocol}://${site}`, pathname: "/"}; } let hostname = Sites.toExternal(url.hostname); let domain = tld.getDomain(hostname); if (!siteMatch) { // siteMatch = url.protocol === "https:" ? Sites.secureDomainKey(domain) : site; siteMatch = site; } let secure = Sites.isSecureDomainKey(siteMatch); let keyStyle = secure ? "secure" : !domain || /^\w+:/.test(siteMatch) ? (url.protocol === "https:" ? "full" : "unsafe") : domain === hostname ? "domain" : "host"; let urlContainer = row.querySelector(".url"); urlContainer.dataset.key = keyStyle; row._site = site; row.siteMatch = siteMatch; row.contextMatch = contextMatch; row.perms = perms; row.domain = domain || siteMatch; if (domain) { // "normal" URL let justDomain = hostname === domain; let domainEntry = secure || domain === site; row._label = domainEntry ? "." + domain : site; row.querySelector(".protocol").textContent = `${url.protocol}//`; row.querySelector(".sub").textContent = justDomain ? (keyStyle === "full" || keyStyle == "unsafe" ? "" : "…") : hostname.substring(0, hostname.length - domain.length); row.querySelector(".domain").textContent = domain; row.querySelector(".path").textContent = siteMatch.length > url.origin.length ? url.pathname : ""; let httpsOnly = row.querySelector("input.https-only"); httpsOnly.checked = keyStyle === "full" || keyStyle === "secure"; } else { row._label = siteMatch; urlContainer.querySelector(".full-address").textContent = siteMatch; } let presets = row.querySelectorAll("input.preset"); let idSuffix = `-${this.uiCount}-${sitesCount}`; for (let p of presets) { p.id = `${p.value}${idSuffix}`; p.name = `preset${idSuffix}`; let label = p.nextElementSibling; label.setAttribute("for", p.id); let temp = p.parentNode.querySelector("input.temp"); if (temp) { temp.id = `temp-${p.id}`; label = temp.nextElementSibling; label.setAttribute("for", temp.id); } } let policy = UI.policy; let presetName = "CUSTOM"; for (let p of ["TRUSTED", "UNTRUSTED", "DEFAULT"]) { let preset = policy[p]; switch (perms) { case preset: presetName = p; break; case preset.tempTwin: presetName = `T_${p}`; if (!presetName in UI.presets) { presetName = p; } break; } } let tempFirst = true; // TODO: make it a preference let unsafeMatch = keyStyle !== "secure" && keyStyle !== "full"; if (presetName === "DEFAULT" && (tempFirst || unsafeMatch)) { // prioritize temporary privileges over permanent for (let p of TEMP_PRESETS) { if (p in this.presets && (unsafeMatch || tempFirst && p === "TRUSTED")) { row.querySelector(`.presets input[value="${p}"]`).parentNode.querySelector("input.temp").checked = true; perms = policy.TRUSTED.tempTwin; } } } let preset = row.querySelector(`.presets input[value="${presetName}"]`); if (!preset) { debug(`Preset %s not found in %s!`, presetName, row.innerHTML); } else { preset.checked = true; row.dataset.preset = row._preset = presetName; if (TEMP_PRESETS.includes(presetName)) { let temp = preset.parentNode.querySelector("input.temp"); if (temp) { temp.checked = perms.temp; } } } return row; } append(site, siteMatch, perms, contextMatch) { this.table.appendChild(this.createSiteRow(...arguments)); } toggleSecure(row, secure = !!row.querySelector("https-only:checked")) { this.customize(null); let site = row.siteMatch; site = site.replace(/^https?:/, secure ? "https:" : "http:"); if (site === row.siteMatch) { site = Sites.toggleSecureDomainKey(site, secure); } if (site !== row.siteMatch) { let {policy} = UI; policy.set(row.siteMatch, policy.DEFAULT); policy.set(site, row.perms); for(let r of this.allSiteRows()) { if (r !== row && r.siteMatch === site && r.contextMatch === row.contextMatch) { r.parentNode.removeChild(r); } } let newRow = this.createSiteRow(site, site, row.perms, row.contextMatch, row.sitesCount); row.parentNode.replaceChild(newRow, row); } } highlight(key) { key = Sites.toExternal(key); for (let r of this.allSiteRows()) { if (r.querySelector(".full-address").textContent.trim().includes(key)) { let url = r.lastElementChild; url.style.transition = r.style.transition = "none"; r.style.backgroundColor = "#850"; url.style.transform = "scale(2)"; r.querySelector("input.preset:checked").focus(); window.setTimeout(() => { r.style.transition = "1s background-color"; url.style.transition = "1s transform"; r.style.backgroundColor = ""; url.style.transform = "none"; r.scrollIntoView(); }, 50); } } } filterSites(key) { key = Sites.toExternal(key); for (let r of this.allSiteRows()) { if (r.querySelector(".full-address").textContent.trim().includes(key)) { r.style.display = ""; } else { r.style.display = "none"; } } } } return UI; })();