"use strict"; (() => { let ENDPOINT_PREFIX = `https://sync-messages.invalid/${browser.extension.getURL("")}?`; let MOZILLA = "mozSystem" in XMLHttpRequest.prototype; if (browser.webRequest) { if (typeof browser.runtime.onSyncMessage !== "object") { // Background Script side let pending = new Map(); if (MOZILLA) { // we don't care this is async, as long as it get called before the // sync XHR (we are not interested in the response on the content side) browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((m, sender) => { let wrapper = m.__syncMessage__; if (!wrapper) return; let {id} = wrapper; pending.set(id, wrapper); let result; let unsuspend = result => { pending.delete(id); if (wrapper.unsuspend) { setTimeout(wrapper.unsuspend, 0); } return result; } try { result = notifyListeners(JSON.stringify(wrapper.payload), sender); } catch(e) { unsuspend(); throw e; } console.debug("sendSyncMessage: returning", result); return (result instanceof Promise ? result : new Promise(resolve => resolve(result)) ).then(result => unsuspend(result)); }); } let tabUrlCache = new Map(); let asyncResults = new Map(); let tabRemovalListener = null; let CANCEL = {cancel: true}; let {TAB_ID_NONE} = browser.tabs; let obrListener = request => { try { let {url, tabId} = request; let params = new URLSearchParams(url.split("?")[1]); let msgId = params.get("id"); if (asyncResults.has(msgId)) { return asyncRet(msgId); } let msg = params.get("msg"); if (MOZILLA || tabId === TAB_ID_NONE) { // this shoud be a mozilla suspension request return params.get("suspend") ? new Promise(resolve => { if (pending.has(msgId)) { let wrapper = pending.get(msgId); if (!wrapper.unsuspend) { wrapper.unsuspend = resolve; return; } } resolve(); }).then(() => ret("go on")) : CANCEL; // otherwise, bail } // CHROME from now on let documentUrl = params.get("url"); let {frameAncestors, frameId} = request; let isTop = frameId === 0 || !!params.get("top"); let tabUrl = frameAncestors && frameAncestors.length && frameAncestors[frameAncestors.length - 1].url; if (!tabUrl) { if (isTop) { tabUrlCache.set(tabId, tabUrl = documentUrl); if (!tabRemovalListener) { browser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(tabRemovalListener = tab => { tabUrlCache.delete(tab.id); }); } } else { tabUrl = tabUrlCache.get(tabId); } } let sender = { tab: { id: tabId, url: tabUrl }, frameId, url: documentUrl, timeStamp: Date.now() }; if (!(msg !== null && sender)) { return CANCEL; } let result = notifyListeners(msg, sender); if (result instanceof Promise) { // On Chromium, if the promise is not resolved yet, // we redirect the XHR to the same URL (hence same msgId) // while the result get cached for asynchronous retrieval result.then(r => { asyncResults.set(msgId, result = r); }); return asyncResults.has(msgId) ? asyncRet(msgId) // promise was already resolved : {redirectUrl: url.replace( /&redirects=(\d+)|$/, // redirects count to avoid loop detection (all, count) => `&redirects=${parseInt(count) + 1 || 1}`)}; } return ret(result); } catch(e) { console.error(e); return CANCEL; } }; let ret = r => ({redirectUrl: `data:application/json,${JSON.stringify(r)}`}) let asyncRet = msgId => { let result = asyncResults.get(msgId); asyncResults.delete(msgId); return ret(result); } let listeners = new Set(); function notifyListeners(msg, sender) { // Just like in the async runtime.sendMessage() API, // we process the listeners in order until we find a not undefined // result, then we return it (or undefined if none returns anything). for (let l of listeners) { try { let result = l(JSON.parse(msg), sender); if (result !== undefined) return result; } catch (e) { console.error("%o processing message %o from %o", e, msg, sender); } } } browser.runtime.onSyncMessage = { ENDPOINT_PREFIX, addListener(l) { listeners.add(l); if (listeners.size === 1) { browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(obrListener, {urls: [`${ENDPOINT_PREFIX}*`], types: ["xmlhttprequest"]}, ["blocking"] ); } }, removeListener(l) { listeners.remove(l); if (listeners.size === 0) { browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(obrListener); } }, hasListener(l) { return listeners.has(l); } }; } } else if (typeof browser.runtime.sendSyncMessage !== "function") { // Content Script side let uuid = () => (Math.random() * Date.now()).toString(16); let docUrl = document.URL; browser.runtime.sendSyncMessage = msg => { let msgId = `${uuid()},${docUrl}`; let url = `${ENDPOINT_PREFIX}id=${encodeURIComponent(msgId)}` + `&url=${encodeURIComponent(docUrl)}`; if (window.top === window) { // we add top URL information because Chromium doesn't know anything // about frameAncestors url += "&top=true"; } if (MOZILLA) { // on Firefox we first need to send an async message telling the // background script about the tab ID, which does not get sent // with "privileged" XHR let result; browser.runtime.sendMessage( {__syncMessage__: {id: msgId, payload: msg}} ).then(r => { result = r; }).catch(e => { throw e; }); // In order to cope with inconsistencies in XHR synchronicity, // allowing DOM element to be inserted and script to be executed // (seen with file:// and ftp:// loads) we additionally suspend on // Mutation notifications and beforescriptexecute events let suspendURL = url + "&suspend=true"; let suspended = false; let suspend = () => { if (result || suspended) return; suspended = true; try { let r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open("GET", suspendURL, false); r.send(null); } finally { suspended = false; } }; let domSuspender = new MutationObserver(suspend); domSuspender.observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true}); addEventListener("beforescriptexecute", suspend, true); try { suspend(); } finally { removeEventListener("beforescriptexecute", suspend, true); domSuspender.disconnect(); } return result; } // then we send the payload using a privileged XHR, which is not subject // to CORS but unfortunately doesn't carry any tab id except on Chromium url += `&msg=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(msg))}`; // adding the payload let r = new XMLHttpRequest(); try { r.open("GET", url, false); r.send(null); return JSON.parse(r.responseText); } catch(e) { console.error(`syncMessage error in ${document.URL}: ${e.message} (response ${r.responseText})`); } return null; }; } })();