ns.on("capabilities", event => { debug("WebGL Hook", document.URL, document.documentElement && document.documentElement.innerHTML, ns.capabilities); // DEV_ONLY if (ns.allows("webgl")) return; // win: window object to modify. // modifyTarget: callback to function that modifies the desired properties // or methods. Callback must take target window as argument. function modifyWindow(win, modifyTarget) { try { modifyTarget(win); modifyWindowOpenMethod(win, modifyTarget); modifyFramingElements(win, modifyTarget); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name === "SecurityError") { // In case someone tries to access SOP restricted window. // We can just ignore this. } else throw e; } } function modifyWindowOpenMethod(win, modifyTarget) { let windowOpen = win.wrappedJSObject ? win.wrappedJSObject.open : win.open; exportFunction(function(...args) { let newWin = windowOpen.call(this, ...args); if (newWin) modifyWindow(newWin, modifyTarget); return newWin; }, win, {defineAs: "open"}); } function modifyFramingElements(win, modifyTarget) { for (let property of ["contentWindow", "contentDocument"]) { for (let interface of ["Frame", "IFrame", "Object"]) { let proto = win[`HTML${interface}Element`].prototype; modifyContentProperties(proto, property, modifyTarget) } } } function modifyContentProperties(proto, property, modifyTarget) { let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, property); let origGetter = descriptor.get; let replacementFn; if (property === "contentWindow") { replacementFn = function() { let win = origGetter.call(this); if (win) modifyWindow(win, modifyTarget); return win; }} if (property === "contentDocument") { replacementFn = function() { let document = origGetter.call(this); if (document && document.defaultView) modifyWindow(document.defaultView, modifyTarget); return document; }} descriptor.get = exportFunction(replacementFn, proto, {defineAs: `get $property`}); let wrappedProto = proto.wrappedJSObject || proto; Object.defineProperty(wrappedProto, property, descriptor); } // function modifyGetContext(win) { let proto = win.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype; let getContext = proto.getContext; exportFunction(function(type, ...rest) { if (type && type.toLowerCase().includes("webgl")) { let request = { id: "noscript-webgl", type: "webgl", url: document.URL, documentUrl: document.URL, embeddingDocument: true, }; seen.record({policyType: "webgl", request, allowed: false}); try { let ph = PlaceHolder.create("webgl", request); ph.replace(this); PlaceHolder.listen(); } catch (e) { error(e); } notifyPage(); return {}; } return getContext.call(this, type, ...rest); }, proto, {defineAs: "getContext"}); } modifyWindow(window, modifyGetContext); });