{ 'use strict'; let listenersMap = new Map(); let backlog = new Set(); let ns = { debug: true, // DEV_ONLY get embeddingDocument() { delete this.embeddingDocument; return this.embeddingDocument = CSP.isEmbedType(document.contentType); }, on(eventName, listener) { let listeners = listenersMap.get(eventName); if (!listeners) listenersMap.set(eventName, listeners = new Set()); listeners.add(listener); if (backlog.has(eventName)) this.fire(eventName, listener); }, detach(eventName, listener) { let listeners = listenersMap.get(eventName); if (listeners) listeners.delete(listener); }, fire(eventName, listener = null) { if (listener) { listener({type:eventName, source: this}); return; } let listeners = listenersMap.get(eventName); if (listeners) { for (let l of listeners) { this.fire(eventName, l); } } backlog.add(eventName); }, fetchPolicy() { let url = document.URL; debug(`Fetching policy from document %s, readyState %s`, url, document.readyState , document.documentElement.outerHTML, // DEV_ONLY document.domain, document.baseURI, window.isSecureContext // DEV_ONLY ); if (!/^(?:file|ftp|https?):/i.test(url)) { if (/^(javascript|about):/.test(url)) { url = document.readyState === "loading" ? document.baseURI : `${window.isSecureContext ? "https" : "http"}://${document.domain}`; debug("Fetching policy for actual URL %s (was %s)", url, document.URL); } (async () => { let policy; try { policy = await Messages.send("fetchChildPolicy", {url, contextUrl: url}); } catch (e) { console.error("Error while fetching policy", e); } if (policy === undefined) { log("Policy was undefined, retrying in 1/2 sec..."); setTimeout(() => this.fetchPolicy(), 500); return; } this.setup(policy); })(); return; } let originalState = document.readyState; let blockedScripts = []; if (/^(?:ftp|file):/.test(url)) { addEventListener("beforescriptexecute", e => { // safety net for synchronous loads on Firefox if (!this.canScript) { e.preventDefault(); let script = e.target; blockedScripts.push(script) log("Some script managed to be inserted in the DOM while fetching policy, blocking it.\n", script); } }, true); } let policy = null; let setup = policy => { debug("Fetched %o, readyState %s", policy, document.readyState); // DEV_ONLY this.setup(policy); if (this.canScript && blockedScripts.length && originalState === "loading") { log("Running suspended scripts which are permitted by %s policy.", url) // something went wrong, e.g. with session restore. for (let s of blockedScripts) { // reinsert the script: // just s.cloneNode(true) doesn't work, the script wouldn't run, // let's clone it the hard way... try { s.replaceWith(document.createRange().createContextualFragment(s.outerHTML)); } catch (e) { error(e); } } } } for (;;) { try { policy = browser.runtime.sendSyncMessage( {id: "fetchPolicy", url, contextUrl: url}, setup); break; } catch (e) { if (!Messages.isMissingEndpoint(e)) { error(e); break; } error("Background page not ready yet, retrying to fetch policy...") } } }, setup(policy) { debug("%s, %s, %o", document.URL, document.readyState, policy); if (!policy) { policy = {permissions: {capabilities: []}, localFallback: true}; } this.policy = policy; if (!policy.permissions || policy.unrestricted) { this.allows = () => true; this.capabilities = Object.assign( new Set(["script"]), { has() { return true; } }); } else { let perms = policy.permissions; this.capabilities = new Set(perms.capabilities); new DocumentCSP(document).apply(this.capabilities, this.embeddingDocument); } this.canScript = this.allows("script"); this.fire("capabilities"); }, policy: null, allows(cap) { return this.capabilities && this.capabilities.has(cap); }, getWindowName() { return window.name; } }; if (this.ns) { this.ns.merge(ns); } else { this.ns = ns; } }