'use strict'; // debug = () => {}; // REL_ONLY { let listenersMap = new Map(); let backlog = new Set(); var ns = { on(eventName, listener) { let listeners = listenersMap.get(eventName); if (!listeners) listenersMap.set(eventName, listeners = new Set()); listeners.add(listener); if (backlog.has(eventName)) this.fire(eventName, listener); }, detach(eventName, listener) { let listeners = listenersMap.get(eventName); if (listeners) listeners.delete(listener); }, fire(eventName, listener = null) { if (listener) { listener({type:eventName, source: this}); return; } let listeners = listenersMap.get(eventName); if (listeners) { for (let l of listeners) { this.fire(eventName, l); } } backlog.add(eventName); }, setup(DEFAULT, MARKER) { this.perms.DEFAULT = DEFAULT; if(!this.perms.CURRENT) this.perms.CURRENT = DEFAULT; // ugly hack: since now we use registerContentScript instead of the // filterRequest dynamic script injection hack, we use top.name // to store per-tab information. We don't want web content to // mess with it, though, so we wrap it around auto-hiding accessors this.perms.MARKER = MARKER; let eraseTabInfoRx = new RegExp(`[^]*${MARKER},?`); if (eraseTabInfoRx.test(top.name)) { let _name = top.name; let tabInfoRx = new RegExp(`^${MARKER}\\[([^]*?)\\]${MARKER},`); if (top === window) { // wrap to hide Reflect.defineProperty(top.wrappedJSObject, "name", { get: exportFunction(() => top.name.replace(eraseTabInfoRx, ""), top.wrappedJSObject), set: exportFunction(value => { let preamble = top.name.match(tabInfoRx); top.name = `${preamble && preamble[0] || ""}${value}`; return value; }, top.wrappedJSObject) }); } let tabInfoMatch = _name.match(tabInfoRx); if (tabInfoMatch) try { this.perms.tabInfo = JSON.parse(tabInfoMatch[1]); } catch (e) { error(e); } } if (!this.perms.DEFAULT || this.perms.tabInfo.unrestricted) { this.allows = () => true; } ns.fire("perms"); }, perms: { DEFAULT: null, CURRENT: null, tabInfo: {}, MARKER: "" }, allows(cap) { let perms = this.perms.CURRENT; return perms && perms.capabilities.includes(cap); }, getWindowName() { return top !== window || !this.perms.MARKER ? window.name : window.name.split(this.perms.MARKER + ",").pop(); } } } var canScript = true, shouldScript = false; let now = () => performance.now() + performance.timeOrigin; function createHTMLElement(name) { return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", name); } function probe() { try { debug("Probing execution..."); let s = document.createElement("script"); s.textContent=";"; document.documentElement.appendChild(s); s.remove(); } catch(e) { debug(e); } } var _ = browser.i18n.getMessage; var embeddingDocument = false; var seen = { _map: new Map(), _list: null, record(event) { let key = event.request.key; if (this._map.has(key)) return; this._map.set(key, event); this._list = null; }, get list() { return this._list || (this._list = [...this._map.values()]); } } var handlers = { seen(event) { let {allowed, policyType, request, ownFrame} = event; if (window.top === window) { seen.record(event); } if (ownFrame) { init(); if (!allowed && PlaceHolder.canReplace(policyType)) { request.embeddingDocument = embeddingDocument; PlaceHolder.create(policyType, request); } } }, collect(event) { let list = seen.list; debug("COLLECT", list); return list; } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async event => { if (event.type in handlers) { debug("Received message", event); return handlers[event.type](event); } }); if (document.readyState !== "complete") { let pageshown = e => { removeEventListener("pageshow", pageshown); init(); }; addEventListener("pageshow", pageshown); } else { init(true); } let notifyPage = async () => { debug("Page %s shown, %s", document.URL, document.readyState); if (document.readyState === "complete") { try { await browser.runtime.sendMessage({type: "pageshow", seen: seen.list, canScript}); return true; } catch (e) { debug(e); } } return false; } var queryingStatus = false; function reload(noCache = false) { init = () => {}; location.reload(noCache); } async function init(oldPage = false) { if (queryingStatus) return; if (!document.URL.startsWith("http")) { return; } queryingStatus = true; debug(`init() called in document %s, contentType %s readyState %s, frameElement %o`, document.URL, document.contentType, document.readyState, window.frameElement && frameElement.data); try { ({canScript, shouldScript} = await browser.runtime.sendMessage({type: "docStatus", url: document.URL})); debug(`document %s, canScript=%s, shouldScript=%s, readyState %s`, document.URL, canScript, shouldScript, document.readyState); if (canScript) { if (oldPage) { probe(); setTimeout(() => init(), 200); return; } if (!shouldScript && (document.readyState !== "complete" || now() - performance.timing.domContentLoadedEvenStart < 5000)) { // Something wrong: scripts can run, permissions say they shouldn't. // Was webRequest bypassed by caching/session restore/service workers? window.stop(); let noCache = !!navigator.serviceWorker.controller; if (noCache) { for (let r of await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations()) { await r.unregister(); } } debug("Reloading %s (%s)", document.URL, noCache ? "no cache" : "cached"); reload(noCache); return; } } init = () => {}; } catch (e) { debug("Error querying docStatus", e); if (!oldPage && /Receiving end does not exist/.test(e.message)) { // probably startup and bg page not ready yet, hence no CSP: reload! debug("Reloading", document.URL); reload(); } else { setTimeout(() => init(oldPage), 100); } return; } finally { queryingStatus = false; } if (!canScript) onScriptDisabled(); seen.record({ request: { key: "noscript-probe", url: document.URL, documentUrl: document.URL, type: window === window.top ? "main_frame" : "script", }, allowed: canScript } ); debug(`Loading NoScript in document %s, scripting=%s, readyState %s`, document.URL, canScript, document.readyState); if (/application|video|audio/.test(document.contentType)) { debug("Embedding document detected"); embeddingDocument = true; window.addEventListener("pageshow", e => { debug("Active content still in document %s: %o", document.url, document.querySelectorAll("embed,object,video,audio")); }, true); // document.write(""); } notifyPage(); addEventListener("pageshow", notifyPage); }