'use strict'; // debug = () => {}; // REL_ONLY var _ = browser.i18n.getMessage; function createHTMLElement(name) { return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", name); } var seen = { _map: new Map(), _list: null, record(event) { let key = event.request.key; if (this._map.has(key)) return; this._map.set(key, event); this._list = null; }, get list() { return this._list || (this._list = [...this._map.values()]); } } Messages.addHandler({ seen(event) { let {allowed, policyType, request, ownFrame} = event; if (window.top === window) { seen.record(event); } if (ownFrame) { if (!allowed && PlaceHolder.canReplace(policyType)) { request.embeddingDocument = ns.embeddingDocument; PlaceHolder.create(policyType, request); } } }, collect(event) { let list = seen.list; debug("COLLECT", list); return list; } }); debug(`Loading NoScript in document %s, scripting=%s, readyState %s`, document.URL, ns.canScript, document.readyState); var notifyPage = async () => { debug("Page %s shown, %s", document.URL, document.readyState); if (document.readyState === "complete") { try { if (!("canScript" in ns)) { let childPolicy = await Messages.send("fetchChildPolicy", {url: document.URL}); if (!childPolicy) { debug(`No answer to fetchChildPolicy message. This should not be happening.`); return; } ns.setup(childPolicy.permissions, childPolicy.MARKER); return; } await Messages.send("pageshow", {seen: seen.list, canScript: ns.canScript}); return true; } catch (e) { debug(e); if (/Receiving end does not exist/.test(e.message)) { window.setTimeout(notifyPage, 2000); } } } return false; } notifyPage(); window.addEventListener("pageshow", notifyPage); ns.on("capabilities", () => { seen.record({ request: { key: "noscript-probe", url: document.URL, documentUrl: document.URL, type: window === window.top ? "main_frame" : "script", }, allowed: ns.canScript }); if (!ns.canScript) { if ("serviceWorker" in navigator && navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { (async () => { for (let r of await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations()) { await r.unregister(); } })(); } if (document.readyState !== "loading") onScriptDisabled(); window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onScriptDisabled); } notifyPage(); });