var {Permissions, Policy, Sites} = (() => { 'use strict'; const SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX = "§:"; const SECURE_DOMAIN_RX = new RegExp(`^${SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX}`); const DOMAIN_RX = new RegExp(`(?:^\\w+://|${SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX})?([^/]*)`, "i"); const IPV4_RX = /^(?:\d+\.){1,3}\d+/; const INTERNAL_SITE_RX = /^(?:(?:about|chrome|resource|(?:moz|chrome)-.*):|\[System)/; const VALID_SITE_RX = /^(?:(?:(?:(?:http|ftp|ws)s?|file):)(?:(?:\/\/)[\w\u0100-\uf000][\w\u0100-\uf000.-]*[\w\u0100-\uf000.](?:$|\/))?|[\w\u0100-\uf000][\w\u0100-\uf000.-]*[\w\u0100-\uf000]$)/; let rxQuote = s => s.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&"); class Sites extends Map { static secureDomainKey(domain) { return /^[§\w]+:/.test(domain) ? domain : `${SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX}${domain}`; } static isSecureDomainKey(domain) { return domain.startsWith(SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX); } static toggleSecureDomainKey(domain, b = !Sites.isSecureDomainKey(domain)) { return b ? Sites.secureDomainKey(domain) : domain.replace(SECURE_DOMAIN_RX, ''); } static isValid(site) { return VALID_SITE_RX.test(site); } static isInternal(site) { return INTERNAL_SITE_RX.test(site); } static originImplies(originKey, site) { return originKey === site || site.startsWith(`${originKey}/`); } static domainImplies(domainKey, site, protocol ="https?") { if (Sites.isSecureDomainKey(domainKey)) { protocol = "https"; domainKey = Sites.toggleSecureDomainKey(domainKey, false); } if (!site.includes(domainKey)) return false; try { return new RegExp(`^${protocol}://([^/?#:]+\\.)?${rxQuote(domainKey)}(?:[:/]|$)`) .test(site); } catch (e) { error(e, `Cannot check if ${domainKey} implies ${site}`); return false; } } static isImplied(site, byKey) { return byKey.includes("://") ? Sites.originImplies(byKey, site) : Sites.domainImplies(byKey, site); } static parse(site) { let url, siteKey = ""; if (site instanceof URL) { url = site; } else { try { url = new URL(site); } catch (e) { siteKey = site ? (typeof site === "string" ? site : site.toString()) : ""; } } if (url) { let path = url.pathname; siteKey = url.origin; if (siteKey === "null") { siteKey = site; } else if (path !== '/') { siteKey += path; } } return {url, siteKey}; } static optimalKey(site) { let {url, siteKey} = Sites.parse(site); if (url && url.protocol === "https:") return Sites.secureDomainKey(tld.getDomain(url.hostname)); return Sites.origin(url) || siteKey; } static origin(site) { if (!site) return ""; try { let objUrl = (typeof site === "object" && "origin" in site) ? site : site.startsWith("chrome:") ? {origin: "chrome:" } : new URL(site); let {origin} = objUrl; return origin === "null" ? Sites.cleanUrl(objUrl) || site : origin; } catch (e) { error(e); }; return site.origin || site; } static cleanUrl(url) { try { url = new URL(url); if (!tld.preserveFQDNs && url.hostname) { url.hostname = tld.normalize(url.hostname); } url.port = ""; = ""; url.hash = ""; return url.href; } catch (e) { return null; } } static toExternal(url) { // domains are stored in punycode internally let s = typeof url === "string" ? url : url && url.toString() || ""; if (s.startsWith(SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX)) s = s.substring(SECURE_DOMAIN_PREFIX.length); let [,domain] = DOMAIN_RX.exec(s); return domain.startsWith("xn--") ? s.replace(domain, punycode.toUnicode(domain)) : s; } set(k, v) { if (!k || Sites.isInternal(k) || k === "§:") return this; let [,domain] = DOMAIN_RX.exec(k); if (/[^\u0000-\u007f]/.test(domain)) { k = k.replace(domain, punycode.toASCII(domain)); } return super.set(k, v); } match(site) { if (site && this.size) { if (site instanceof URL) site = site.href; if (this.has(site)) return site; let {url, siteKey} = Sites.parse(site); if (site !== siteKey && this.has(siteKey)) { return siteKey; } if (url) { let {origin} = url; if (origin && origin !== "null" && origin < siteKey && this.has(origin)) { return origin; } let domain = this.domainMatch(url); if (domain) return domain; let protocol = url.protocol; if (this.has(protocol)) { return protocol; } } } return null; } domainMatch(url) { let {protocol, hostname} = url; if (!hostname) return null; if (!tld.preserveFQDNs) hostname = tld.normalize(hostname); let secure = protocol === "https:"; let isIPv4 = IPV4_RX.test(hostname); for (let domain = hostname;;) { if (this.has(domain)) { return domain; } if (secure) { let ssDomain = Sites.secureDomainKey(domain); if (this.has(ssDomain)) { return ssDomain; } } if (isIPv4) { // subnet shortcuts let dotPos = domain.lastIndexOf("."); if (!(dotPos > 3 || domain.indexOf(".") < dotPos)) { break; // we want at least the 2 most significant bytes } domain = domain.substring(0, dotPos); } else { // (sub)domain matching let dotPos = domain.indexOf("."); if (dotPos === -1) { break; } domain = domain.substring(dotPos + 1); // upper level if (!domain) { break; } } } return null; } dry() { let dry; if (this.size) { dry = Object.create(null); for (let [key, perms] of this) { dry[key] = perms.dry(); } } return dry; } static hydrate(dry, obj = new Sites()) { if (dry) { for (let [key, dryPerms] of Object.entries(dry)) { obj.set(key, Permissions.hydrate(dryPerms)); } } return obj; } } class Permissions { constructor(capabilities, temp = false, contextual = null) { this.capabilities = new Set(capabilities); this.temp = temp; this.contextual = contextual instanceof Sites ? contextual : new Sites(contextual); } dry() { return {capabilities: [...this.capabilities], contextual: this.contextual.dry(), temp: this.temp}; } static hydrate(dry = {}, obj = null) { let capabilities = new Set(dry.capabilities); let contextual = Sites.hydrate(dry.contextual); let temp = dry.temp; return obj ? Object.assign(obj, {capabilities, temp, contextual, _tempTwin: undefined}) : new Permissions(capabilities, temp, contextual); } static typed(capability, type) { let [capName] = capability.split(":"); return `${capName}:${type}`; } allowing(capability) { return this.capabilities.has(capability); } set(capability, enabled = true) { if (enabled) { this.capabilities.add(capability); } else { this.capabilities.delete(capability); } return enabled; } sameAs(otherPerms) { let otherCaps = new Set(otherPerms.capabilities); let theseCaps = this.capabilities; for (let c of theseCaps) { if (!otherCaps.delete(c)) return false; } for (let c of otherCaps) { if (!theseCaps.has(c)) return false; } return true; } clone() { return new Permissions(this.capabilities, this.temp, this.contextual); } get tempTwin() { return this._tempTwin || (this._tempTwin = new Permissions(this.capabilities, true, this.contextual)); } } Permissions.ALL = ["script", "object", "media", "frame", "font", "webgl", "fetch", "other"]; Permissions.IMMUTABLE = { UNTRUSTED: { "script": false, "object": false, "webgl": false, "fetch": false, "other": false, }, TRUSTED: { "script": true, } }; Object.freeze(Permissions.ALL); function defaultOptions() { return { sites:{ trusted: ``.split(/\s+/).map(Sites.secureDomainKey), untrusted: [], custom: {}, }, DEFAULT: new Permissions(["frame", "fetch", "other"]), TRUSTED: new Permissions(Permissions.ALL), UNTRUSTED: new Permissions(), enforced: true, autoAllowTop: false, }; } function normalizePolicyOptions(dry) { let options = Object.assign({}, dry); for (let p of ["DEFAULT", "TRUSTED", "UNTRUSTED"]) { options[p] = dry[p] instanceof Permissions ? dry[p] : Permissions.hydrate(dry[p]); } if (typeof dry.sites === "object" && !(dry.sites instanceof Sites)) { let {trusted, untrusted, temp, custom} = dry.sites; let sites = Sites.hydrate(custom); for (let key of trusted) sites.set(key, options.TRUSTED); for (let key of untrusted) sites.set(key, options.UNTRUSTED); if (temp) { let tempPreset = options.TRUSTED.tempTwin; for (let key of temp) sites.set(key, tempPreset); } options.sites = sites; } enforceImmutable(options); return options; } function enforceImmutable(policy) { for (let [preset, filter] of Object.entries(Permissions.IMMUTABLE)) { let presetCaps = policy[preset].capabilities; for (let [cap, value] of Object.entries(filter)) { if (value) presetCaps.add(cap); else presetCaps.delete(cap); } } } class Policy { constructor(options = defaultOptions()) { Object.assign(this, normalizePolicyOptions(options)); } static hydrate(dry, policyObj) { return policyObj ? Object.assign(policyObj, normalizePolicyOptions(dry)) : new Policy(dry); } dry(includeTemp = false) { let trusted = [], temp = [], untrusted = [], custom = Object.create(null); const {DEFAULT, TRUSTED, UNTRUSTED} = this; for(let [key, perms] of this.sites) { if (!includeTemp && perms.temp) { continue; } switch(perms) { case TRUSTED: trusted.push(key); break; case TRUSTED.tempTwin: temp.push(key); break; case UNTRUSTED: untrusted.push(key); break; case DEFAULT: break; default: custom[key] = perms.dry(); } } let sites = { trusted, untrusted, custom }; if (includeTemp) { sites.temp = temp; } enforceImmutable(this); return { DEFAULT: DEFAULT.dry(), TRUSTED: TRUSTED.dry(), UNTRUSTED: UNTRUSTED.dry(), sites, enforced: this.enforced, autoAllowTop: this.autoAllowTop, }; } static requestKey(url, type, documentUrl, includePath = false) { url = includePath ? Sites.parse(url).siteKey : Sites.origin(url); return `${type}@${url}<${Sites.origin(documentUrl)}`; } static explodeKey(requestKey) { let [, type, url, documentUrl] = /(\w+)@([^<]+)<(.*)/.exec(requestKey); return {url, type, documentUrl}; } set(site, perms, cascade = false) { let sites = this.sites; let {url, siteKey} = Sites.parse(site); sites.delete(siteKey); if (perms === this.UNTRUSTED) { cascade = true; Sites.toggleSecureDomainKey(siteKey, false); } if (cascade && !url) { for (let subMatch; (subMatch = sites.match(siteKey));) { sites.delete(subMatch); } } if (!perms || perms === this.DEFAULT) { perms = this.DEFAULT; } else { sites.set(siteKey, perms); } return {siteKey, perms}; } get(site, ctx = null) { let perms, contextMatch; let siteMatch = !(this.onlySecure && /^\w+tp:/i.test(site)) && this.sites.match(site); if (siteMatch) { perms = this.sites.get(siteMatch); if (ctx) { contextMatch = perms.contextual.match(ctx); if (contextMatch) perms = perms.contextual.get(ctx); } } else { perms = this.DEFAULT; } return {perms, siteMatch, contextMatch}; } can(url, capability = "script", ctx = null) { return !this.enforced || this.get(url, ctx).perms.allowing(capability); } get snapshot() { return JSON.stringify(this.dry(true)); } cascadeRestrictions(perms, topUrl) { let topPerms = ns.policy.get(topUrl, topUrl).perms; if (topPerms !== perms) { let topCaps = topPerms.capabilities; perms = new Permissions([...perms.capabilities].filter(c => topCaps.has(c)), perms.temp, perms.contextual); } return perms; } equals(other) { this.snapshot === other.snapshot; } } return {Permissions, Policy, Sites}; })();