var ns = (() => { 'use strict'; const popupURL = browser.extension.getURL("/ui/popup.html"); let popupFor = tabId => `${popupURL}#tab${tabId}`; let ctxMenuId = "noscript-ctx-menu"; async function toggleCtxMenuItem(show = ns.local.showCtxMenuItem) { if (!"contextMenus" in browser) return; let id = ctxMenuId; try { await browser.contextMenus.remove(id); } catch (e) {} if (show) { browser.contextMenus.create({ id, title: "NoScript", contexts: ["all"] }); } } async function init() { let policyData = (await Storage.get("sync", "policy")).policy; if (policyData && policyData.DEFAULT) { ns.policy = new Policy(policyData); } else { await include("/legacy/Legacy.js"); ns.policy = await Legacy.createOrMigratePolicy(); ns.savePolicy(); } await include("/bg/defaults.js"); await ns.defaults; await include(["/bg/RequestGuard.js", "/bg/RequestUtil.js"]); await RequestGuard.start(); await XSS.start(); // we must start it anyway to initialize sub-objects if (!ns.sync.xss) { XSS.stop(); } Commands.install(); }; var Commands = { openPageUI() { try { browser.browserAction.openPopup(); return; } catch (e) { debug(e); }{ url: popupURL, width: 800, height: 600, type: "panel" }); }, togglePermissions() {}, install() { if ("command" in browser) { // keyboard shortcuts browser.commands.onCommand.addListener(cmd => { if (cmd in Commands) { Commands[cmd](); } }); } if ("contextMenus" in browser) { toggleCtxMenuItem(); browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => { if (info.menuItemId == ctxMenuId) { this.openPageUI(); } }); } // wiring main UI let ba = browser.browserAction; if ("setIcon" in ba) { //desktop ba.setPopup({ popup: popupURL }); } else { // mobile ba.onClicked.addListener(async tab => { try { await browser.tabs.remove(await browser.tabs.query({ url: popupURL })); } catch (e) {} await browser.tabs.create({ url: popupFor( }); }); } } } var MessageHandler = { responders: { async updateSettings(settings, sender) { await Settings.update(settings); toggleCtxMenuItem(); }, async broadcastSettings({ tabId = -1 }) { let policy = ns.policy.dry(true); let seen = tabId !== -1 ? await ns.collectSeen(tabId) : null; let xssUserChoices = await XSS.getUserChoices(); browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "settings", policy, seen, xssUserChoices, local: ns.local, sync: ns.sync, unrestrictedTab: ns.unrestrictedTabs.has(tabId), }); }, exportSettings(m, sender, sendResponse) { sendResponse(Settings.export()); return false; }, async importSettings({ data }) { return await Settings.import(data); }, async openStandalonePopup() { let win = await; let [tab] = (await browser.tabs.query({ lastFocusedWindow: true, active: true })); if (!tab || === -1) { log("No tab found to open the UI for"); return; }{ url: popupFor(, width: 800, height: 600, top: + 48, left: win.left + 48, type: "panel" }); } }, onMessage(m, sender, sendResponse) { let { type } = m; let { responders } = MessageHandler; if (type && (type = type.replace(/^NoScript\./, '')) in responders) { return responders[type](m, sender, sendResponse); } else { debug("Received unkown message", m, sender); } return false; }, listen() { browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this.onMessage); }, } return { running: false, policy: null, local: null, sync: null, unrestrictedTabs: new Set(), isEnforced(tabId = -1) { return this.policy.enforced && (tabId === -1 || !this.unrestrictedTabs.has(tabId)); }, start() { if (this.running) return; this.running = true; deferWebTraffic(init(), async () => { await include("/bg/Settings.js"); MessageHandler.listen(); log("STARTED"); this.devMode = (await === "development"; if (this.local.debug) { if (this.devMode) { include("/test/run.js"); } } else { debug = () => {}; // suppress verbosity } }); }, stop() { if (!this.running) return; this.running = false; RequestGuard.stop(); log("STOPPED"); }, async savePolicy() { if (this.policy) { await Storage.set("sync", { policy: this.policy.dry() }); await browser.webRequest.handlerBehaviorChanged() } return this.policy; }, async save(obj) { if (obj && { let toBeSaved = { []: obj }; Storage.set(, toBeSaved); } return obj; }, async collectSeen(tabId) { try { let seen = Array.from(await browser.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { type: "collect" }, { frameId: 0 })); debug("Collected seen", seen); return seen; } catch (e) { // probably a page where content scripts cannot run, let's open the options instead error(e, "Cannot collect noscript activity data"); } return null; }, }; })(); ns.start();