var Settings = { async import(data) { // figure out whether it's just a whitelist, a legacy backup or a "Quantum" export try { let json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.whitelist) { return await this.importLegacy(json); } if (json.trusted) { return await this.importPolicy(json); } if (json.policy) { return await this.importSettings(json); } } catch (e) { return await this.importLists(data); } }, async importLegacy(json) { await include("/legacy/Legacy.js"); if (await Legacy.import(json)) { try { ns.policy = Legacy.migratePolicy(); await ns.savePolicy(); await Legacy.persist(); return true; } catch (e) { error(e, "Importing legacy settings"); Legacy.migrated = Legacy.undo; } } return false; }, async importLists(data) { await include("/legacy/Legacy.js"); try { let [trusted, untrusted] = Legacy.extractLists(data.split("[UNTRUSTED]")); let policy = ns.policy; for (let site of trusted) { policy.set(site, policy.TRUSTED); } for (let site of untrusted) { policy.set(site, policy.UNTRUSTED, true); } await ns.savePolicy(); } catch (e) { error(e, "Importing white/black lists %s", data); return false; } return true; }, async importPolicy(json) { try { ns.policy = new Policy(json); await ns.savePolicy(); return true; } catch (e) { error(e, "Importing policy %o", json); } }, async importSettings(json) { try { await this.update(json); return true; } catch (e) { error(e, "Importing settings %o", json); } return false; }, async update(settings) { let { policy, xssUserChoices, tabId, unrestrictedTab, reloadAffected, } = settings; if (xssUserChoices) await XSS.saveUserChoices(xssUserChoices); if (policy) { ns.policy = new Policy(policy); await ns.savePolicy(); } if (typeof unrestrictedTab === "boolean") { ns.unrestrictedTabs[unrestrictedTab ? "add" : "delete"](tabId); this.enforceTabRestrictions(tabId, unrestrictedTab); } if (reloadAffected) { browser.tabs.reload(tabId); } let oldDebug = ns.local.debug; await Promise.all(["local", "sync"].map( storage => (settings[storage] || // changed or... settings[storage] === null // ... needs reset to default ) && ns[storage] = settings[storage] || ns.defaults[storage]) )); if (ns.local.debug !== oldDebug) { await include("/lib/log.js"); if (oldDebug) debug = () => {}; } if (ns.sync.xss) { XSS.start(); } else { XSS.stop(); } }, export() { return JSON.stringify({ policy: ns.policy.dry(), local: ns.local, sync: ns.sync, xssUserChoices: XSS.getUserChoices(), }, null, 2); }, async enforceTabRestrictions(tabId, unrestricted = ns.unrestrictedTabs.has(tabId)) { await ChildPolicies.storeTabInfo(tabId, unrestricted && {unrestricted: true}); return unrestricted; } }