var RequestGuard = (() => { 'use strict'; const VERSION_LABEL = `NoScript ${browser.runtime.getManifest().version}`; browser.browserAction.setTitle({title: VERSION_LABEL}); const REPORT_URI = "https://noscript-csp.invalid/__NoScript_Probe__/"; const REPORT_GROUP = "NoScript-Endpoint"; const REPORT_TO = { name: "Report-To", value: JSON.stringify({ "url": REPORT_URI, "group": REPORT_GROUP, "max-age": 10886400 }), }; const CSP = { name: "content-security-policy", start: `report-uri ${REPORT_URI};`, end: `;report-to ${REPORT_URI};`, isMine(header) { let {name, value} = header; if (name.toLowerCase() !== return false; let startIdx = value.indexOf(this.start); return startIdx > -1 && startIdx < value.lastIndexOf(this.end); }, inject(headerValue, mine) { let startIdx = headerValue.indexOf(this.start); if (startIdx < 0) return `${headerValue};${mine}`; let endIdx = headerValue.lastIndexOf(this.end); let retValue = `${headerValue.substring(0, startIdx)}${mine}`; return endIdx < 0 ? retValue : `${retValue}${headerValue.substring(endIdx + this.end.length + 1)}`; }, create(...directives) { return `${this.start}${directives.join(';')}${this.end}`; }, createBlocker(...types) { return this.create(...( => `${ || type}-src ${type.value || "'none'"}`))); }, blocks(header, type) { return header.includes(`;${type}-src 'none';`) }, types: ["script", "object", "media"], }; const policyTypesMap = { main_frame: "", sub_frame: "frame", script: "script", xslt: "script", xbl: "script", font: "font", object: "object", object_subrequest: "fetch", xmlhttprequest: "fetch", ping: "ping", beacon: "ping", media: "media", other: "", }; const allTypes = Object.keys(policyTypesMap); Object.assign(policyTypesMap, {"webgl": "webgl"}); // fake types const FORBID_DATAURI_TYPES = ["font", "media", "object"]; const TabStatus = { map: new Map(), types: ["script", "object", "media", "frame", "font"], newRecords() { return { allowed: {}, blocked: {}, noscriptFrames: {}, } }, initTab(tabId, records = this.newRecords()) { if (tabId < 0) return;, records); return records; }, _record(request, what, optValue) { let {tabId, frameId, type, url, documentUrl} = request; let policyType = policyTypesMap[type] || type; let requestKey = Policy.requestKey(url, documentUrl, policyType); let map =; let records; if (map.has(tabId)) { records = map.get(tabId); } else { records = this.initTab(tabId); } if (what === "noscriptFrame" && type !== "object") { let nsf = records.noscriptFrames; nsf[frameId] = optValue; what = optValue ? "blocked" : "allowed"; if (frameId === 0) { request.type = type = "main_frame"; Content.reportTo(request, optValue, type); } } let collection = records[what]; if (collection) { if (type in collection) { if (!collection[type].includes(requestKey)) { collection[type].push(requestKey); } } else { collection[type] = [requestKey]; } } return records; }, record(request, what, optValue) { let {tabId} = request; if (tabId < 0) return; let records = this._record(request, what, optValue); if (records) { this.updateTab(request.tabId); } }, _pendingTabs: new Set(), updateTab(tabId) { if (tabId < 0) return; if (this._pendingTabs.size === 0) { window.setTimeout(() => { // clamp UI updates for (let tabId of this._pendingTabs) { this._updateTabNow(tabId); } this._pendingTabs.clear(); }, 200); } this._pendingTabs.add(tabId); }, _updateTabNow(tabId) { this._pendingTabs.delete(tabId); let records = || this.initTab(tabId); let {allowed, blocked, noscriptFrames} = records; let topAllowed = !(noscriptFrames && noscriptFrames[0]); let numAllowed = 0, numBlocked = 0, sum = 0; let report = => { let a = allowed[t] && allowed[t].length || 0, b = blocked[t] && blocked[t].length || 0, s = a + b; numAllowed+= a, numBlocked += b, sum += s; return s && `<${t === "sub_frame" ? "frame" : t}>: ${b}/${s}`; }).filter(s => s).join("\n"); let enforced = ns.isEnforced(tabId); let icon = topAllowed ? (numBlocked ? "part" : enforced ? "yes" : "global") : (numAllowed ? "sub" : "no"); let showBadge = ns.local.showCountBadge && numBlocked > 0; let browserAction = browser.browserAction; browserAction.setIcon({tabId, path: {64: `/img/ui-${icon}64.png`}}); browserAction.setBadgeText({tabId, text: showBadge ? numBlocked.toString() : ""}); browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({tabId, color: [255, 0, 0, 128]}); browserAction.setTitle({tabId, title: `${VERSION_LABEL} \n${enforced ? _("BlockedItems", [numBlocked, numAllowed + numBlocked]) + ` \n${report}` : _("NotEnforced")}` }); }, totalize(sum, value) { return sum + value; }, async probe(tabId) { if (tabId === undefined) { (await browser.tabs.query({})).forEach(tab => TabStatus.probe(; } else { try { TabStatus.recordAll(tabId, await ns.collectSeen(tabId)); } catch (e) { error(e); } } }, recordAll(tabId, seen) { if (seen) { let records =; if (records) { records.allowed = {}; records.blocked = {}; } for (let thing of seen) { thing.request.tabId = tabId; TabStatus._record(thing.request, thing.allowed ? "allowed" : "blocked"); } this._updateTabNow(tabId); } }, async onActivatedTab(info) { let {tabId} = info; let seen = await ns.collectSeen(tabId); TabStatus.recordAll(tabId, seen); }, onRemovedTab(tabId) {; }, } browser.tabs.onActivated.addListener(TabStatus.onActivatedTab); browser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(TabStatus.onRemovedTab); if (!("setIcon" in browser.browserAction)) { // unsupported on Android TabStatus._updateTabNow = TabStatus.updateTab = () => {}; } const Content = { async hearFrom(message, sender) { debug("Received message from content", message, sender); switch (message.type) { case "pageshow": TabStatus.recordAll(, message.seen); return true; case "enable": { let {url, documentUrl, policyType} = message; let TAG = `<${policyType.toUpperCase()}>`; let origin = Sites.origin(url); let {siteKey} = Sites.parse(url); let options; if (siteKey === origin) { TAG += `@${siteKey}`; } else { options = [ {label: _("allowLocal", siteKey), checked: true}, {label: _("allowLocal", origin)} ]; } // let parsedDoc = Sites.parse(documentUrl); let t = u => `${TAG}@${u}`; let ret = await Prompts.prompt({ title: _("BlockedObjects"), message: _("allowLocal", TAG), options}); debug(`Prompt returned %o`); if (ret.button !== 0) return; let key = [siteKey, origin][ret.option || 0]; if (!key) return; let {siteMatch, contextMatch, perms} = ns.policy.get(key, documentUrl); let {capabilities} = perms; if (!capabilities.has(policyType)) { perms = new Permissions(new Set(capabilities), false); perms.capabilities.add(policyType); /* TODO: handle contextual permissions if (documentUrl) { let context = new URL(documentUrl).origin; let contextualSites = new Sites([context, perms]); perms = new Permissions(new Set(capabilities), false, contextualSites); } */ ns.policy.set(key, perms); ns.savePolicy(); } return true; } case "docStatus": { let {frameId, tab} = sender; let {url} = message; let tabId =; let records =; let noscriptFrames = records && records.noscriptFrames; let canScript = !(noscriptFrames && noscriptFrames[sender.frameId]); let shouldScript = !ns.isEnforced(tabId) || !url.startsWith("http") || ns.policy.can(url, "script"); debug("Frame %s %s of %o, canScript: %s, shouldScript: %s", frameId, url, noscriptFrames, canScript, shouldScript); return {canScript, shouldScript}; } } }, async reportTo(request, allowed, policyType) { let {requestId, tabId, frameId, type, url, documentUrl, originUrl} = request; let pending = pendingRequests.get(requestId); // null if from a CSP report let initialUrl = pending ? pending.initialUrl : request.url; request = { key: Policy.requestKey(url, type, documentUrl || "", /^(media|object|frame)$/.test(type)), type, url, documentUrl, originUrl }; if (tabId < 0) return; if (pending) request.initialUrl = pending.initialUrl; if (type !== "sub_frame") { // we couldn't deliver it to frameId, since it's generally not loaded yet try { await browser.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, {type: "seen", request, allowed, policyType, ownFrame: true}, {frameId} ); } catch (e) { debug(`Couldn't deliver "seen" message for ${type}@${url} ${allowed ? "A" : "F" } to document ${documentUrl} (${frameId}/${tabId})`, e); } } if (frameId === 0) return; try { await browser.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, {type: "seen", request, allowed, policyType}, {frameId: 0} ); } catch (e) { debug(`Couldn't deliver "seen" message to top frame containing ${documentUrl} (${frameId}/${tabId}`, e); } } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(Content.hearFrom); const pendingRequests = new Map(); function initPendingRequest(request) { let {requestId, url} = request; let redirected = pendingRequests.get(requestId); let initialUrl = redirected ? redirected.initialUrl : url; pendingRequests.set(requestId, { url, redirected, onCompleted: new Set(), }); return redirected; } const ABORT = {cancel: true}, ALLOW = {}; const INTERNAL_SCHEME = /^(?:chrome|resource|moz-extension|about):/; const listeners = { onBeforeRequest(request) { try { let redirected = initPendingRequest(request); let {policy} = ns; let policyType = policyTypesMap[request.type]; if (policyType) { let {url, originUrl, documentUrl} = request; if (("fetch" === policyType || "frame" === policyType) && (url === originUrl && originUrl === documentUrl || INTERNAL_SCHEME.test(originUrl)) ) { // livemark request or similar browser-internal, always allow; return ALLOW; } if (/^(?:data|blob):/.test(url)) { request._dataUrl = url; request.url = url = documentUrl; } let allowed = INTERNAL_SCHEME.test(url) || !ns.isEnforced(request.tabId) || policy.can(url, policyType, originUrl); Content.reportTo(request, allowed, policyType); if (!allowed) { debug(`Blocking ${policyType}`, request); TabStatus.record(request, "blocked"); return ABORT; } } } catch (e) { error(e); } return ALLOW; }, onHeadersReceived(request) { // called for main_frame, sub_frame and object // check for duplicate calls let pending = pendingRequests.get(request.requestId); if (pending && pending.headersProcessed) { debug("[WARNING] already processed ", request); } pending.headersProcessed = true; debug("onHeadersReceived", request); let {url, documentUrl, statusCode, tabId, responseHeaders} = request; try { let header, blocker; let content = {} for (let h of responseHeaders) { if (CSP.isMine(h)) { header = h; h.value = CSP.inject(h.value, ""); } else if (/^\s*Content-(Type|Disposition)\s*$/i.test( { content[RegExp.$1.toLowerCase()] = h.value; } } if (ns.isEnforced(tabId)) { let policy = ns.policy; let perms = policy.get(url, documentUrl).perms; if (policy.autoAllowTop && request.type === "main_frame" && perms === policy.DEFAULT) { policy.set(Sites.optimalKey(url), perms = policy.TRUSTED.tempTwin); } let {capabilities} = perms; let isObject = request.type === "object"; if (isObject && !capabilities.has("webgl")) { // we can't inject webglHook debug("Disabling scripts in object %s to prevent webgl abuse", url); capabilities = new Set(capabilities); capabilities.delete("script"); let r = Object.assign({}, request, {type: "webgl"}); TabStatus.record(r, "blocked"); Content.reportTo(r, false, "webgl"); } let canScript = capabilities.has("script"); let blockedTypes; let forbidData = FORBID_DATAURI_TYPES.filter(t => !capabilities.has(t)); if (!content.disposition && (!content.type || /^\s*(?:video|audio|application)\//.test(content.type))) { debug(`Suspicious content type "%s" in request %o with capabilities %o`, content.type, request, capabilities); blockedTypes = CSP.types.filter(t => !capabilities.has(t)); } else if(!canScript) { blockedTypes = ["script"]; forbidData.push("object"); // data: URIs loaded in objects may run scripts } for (let type of forbidData) { // object, font, media // HTTP is blocked in onBeforeRequest, let's allow it only and block // for instance data: and blob: URIs let dataBlocker = {name: type, value: "http: https:"}; if (blockedTypes) blockedTypes.push(dataBlocker) else blockedTypes = [dataBlocker]; } debug("Blocked types", blockedTypes); if (blockedTypes && blockedTypes.length) { blocker = CSP.createBlocker(...blockedTypes); } if (request.type === "main_frame" && ! { debug("No TabStatus data yet for noscriptFrame", tabId); TabStatus.record(request, "noscriptFrame", true); } } debug(`CSP blocker on %s:`, url, blocker); if (blocker) { if (header) { header.value = CSP.inject(header.value, blocker); } else { header = {name:, value: blocker}; responseHeaders.push(header); } } if (header) return {responseHeaders}; } catch (e) { error(e, "Error in onHeadersReceived", request); } return ALLOW; }, onResponseStarted(request) { debug("onResponseStarted", request); let {url, tabId, frameId, type} = request; if (type === "main_frame") { TabStatus.initTab(tabId); } let scriptBlocked = request.responseHeaders.some( h => CSP.isMine(h) && CSP.blocks(h.value, "script") ); debug("%s scriptBlocked=%s setting noscriptFrame on ", url, scriptBlocked, tabId, frameId); TabStatus.record(request, "noscriptFrame", scriptBlocked); let pending = pendingRequests.get(request.requestId); if (pending) { pending.scriptBlocked = scriptBlocked; if (!(pending.headersProcessed && (scriptBlocked || ns.policy.can(url, "script", request.documentURL)) )) { debug("[WARNING] onHeadersReceived %s %o", frameId, tabId, pending.headersProcessed ? "has been overridden on": "could not process", request); if (tabId !== -1) { debug("[WARNING] Reloading %s frame %s of tab %s.", url, frameId, tabId); browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { runAt: "document_start", code: "window.location.reload(false)", frameId }); } } } }, onCompleted(request) { let {requestId} = request; if (pendingRequests.has(requestId)) { let r = pendingRequests.get(requestId); pendingRequests.delete(requestId); for (let callback of r.onCompleted) { try { callback(request, r); } catch (e) { error(e); } } } }, onErrorOccurred(request) { pendingRequests.delete(request.requestId); } }; function fakeRequestFromCSP(report, request) { let type = report["violated-directive"].split("-", 1)[0]; // e.g. script-src 'none' => script if (type === "frame") type = "sub_frame"; let url = report['blocked-uri']; if (!url || url === 'self') url = request.documentUrl; return Object.assign({}, request, { url, type, }); } async function onViolationReport(request) { try { let decoder = new TextDecoder("UTF-8"); const report = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(request.requestBody.raw[0].bytes))['csp-report']; let csp = report["original-policy"] debug("CSP report", report); let blockedURI = report['blocked-uri']; if (blockedURI && blockedURI !== 'self') { let r = fakeRequestFromCSP(report, request); Content.reportTo(r, false, policyTypesMap[r.type]); TabStatus.record(r, "blocked"); } else if (report["violated-directive"] === "script-src" && /; script-src 'none'/.test(report["original-policy"])) { let r = fakeRequestFromCSP(report, request); Content.reportTo(r, false, "script"); // NEW TabStatus.record(r, "noscriptFrame", true); } } catch(e) { error(e); } return ABORT; } const RequestGuard = { async start() { let wr = browser.webRequest; let listen = (what, ...args) => wr[what].addListener(listeners[what], ...args); let listenLast = (what, ...args) => new LastListener(wr[what], listeners[what], ...args).install(); let allUrls = [""]; let docTypes = ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "object"]; listen("onBeforeRequest", {urls: allUrls, types: allTypes}, ["blocking"] ); listenLast("onHeadersReceived", {urls: allUrls, types: docTypes}, ["blocking", "responseHeaders"] ); listen("onResponseStarted", {urls: allUrls, types: docTypes}, ["responseHeaders"] ); listen("onCompleted", {urls: allUrls, types: allTypes}, ); listen("onErrorOccurred", {urls: allUrls, types: allTypes}, ); wr.onBeforeRequest.addListener(onViolationReport, {urls: [REPORT_URI], types: ["csp_report"]}, ["blocking", "requestBody"]); TabStatus.probe(); }, stop() { let wr = browser.webRequest; for (let [name, listener] of Object.entries(listeners)) { if (typeof listener === "function") { wr[name].removeListener(listener); } else if (listener instanceof LastListener) { listener.uninstall(); } } wr.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(onViolationReport); } }; return RequestGuard; })();